Monday, July 26, 2010

Roller Coasters

July 26
First, someone was teaching me how to bhangra dance.
Next, I was making scrambled eggs with sausage and onions, except my dad was also making food so I had to wait for him. By the time he was done, he wanted to leave and have a family excursion at the library, and so he dragged me and my brothers even though I was in pajamas. We parked our bikes outside the library, and had a giant argument, which was awkward because a bunch of people we knew were there. There was something about ice cream and biking.
Later, I was at some amusement park with my good friend. We wanted to do things at the park, but all the games required tokens, and all the token machines required MORE tokens to use them. Annoyed, we went to the counter and decided to split a drawer (similar to a locker I think) for our possessions like our wallets. The drawer was sold in halves, so in the end we divided it into quarters between my friend and myself and I placed a stack of change on the table to pay for the rides and the drawer. The woman asked us what rides we wanted to go on and my friend suggested various ones. We then got into a car, driven by two guides, and drove to the rides. There were not enough seats so I was facing the back windshield, whilst 2 girls I didn't know were facing the front. One girl's name was Alex, and I asked if I could call the other one Nick. My friend had disappeared by this point, but I don't remember being concerned.
When we got out of the car the ride consisted of lying down over the edge of a tall, hump-like structure, and then having the hump placed at the bottom of the ride. I was not prepared, and so when the ride started moving I became terrified. The ride moved you, not tr hump, and proceeded to spin you around and move you up and down, the whole time not ever being tied or connected to you. When we got out I was really scared and remembered that my friend had picked the ride especially for me. I thought about yelling at him, but I'd already had that big argument with my dad so I let it pass.

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