Monday, July 5, 2010

An Interesting Museum Visit

July 5

I was at a Museum and I was not following the rules. Nick (my brother), Alex (my other brother), and I were climbing over the glass walls of a natural history exhibit to further explore. We started by looking at the lava between rocks and commenting that it felt really hot, despite the fact that it was in an exhibit where nobody was supposed to actually be in. There were all these plastic prehistoric animals that were coming to life, but we didn't try to yell for help, because we felt it would be embarrassing to be stuck in a place where we weren't supposed to be. As we left the exhibit, I noticed we had offset a stool and none of us could figure out where it was supposed to go. We had also disturbed some other objects, including a pen (not sure why I distinctly remember the pen), but we figured it didn't really matter where they went, because museums were always having to clean that sort of stuff up anyway. Eventually, a guard came by and informed us that the museum was closing. We went down some impressive stairs and were walking to some hallway, when my dad (who had suddenly appeared) suggested that we stop by the bathroom first.
That was when my dream became very weird.
There was a bathroom nearby, and right outside it was a large concrete toilet which was a statue, but could flush. This strange design of statue did not perturb us one bit, but there were a few moments of my dream where my dad was suggesting we just use the statue instead of going in the bathroom. It was a fairly awkward situation and eventually I was somehow in the bathroom (I didn't walk there, I just suddenly appeared there), and there were hundreds of people inside. Everywhere, people were changing, both men and women, so I quickly left the room, assuming it was a Men's restroom (not sure why I thought that). Once outside, I glanced around and saw a giant crowd of adults, all dressed in fancy ballroom gowns or suits, all standing in a sort of crowded parade or perhaps a very messy line. I began to hurry to get out of the museum because I thought there was going to be some event that happened as a charity or something.
However, despite my hurrying I was soon looking down at the crowd, in a detached, floating sort of way. I saw the crowd cheer and proceed to push forward, surrounding a large, risen black platform on which a throne was sitting. There was a strange sort of light coming from the ceiling and out of it stepped a person dressed in white who I immediately knew to be the queen. She sat down in her throne and addressed the people surrounding her. She spoke in a rhyme. telling them "Come to the *something something something* to which you all were. Do not fear the change, you are safe now and pure."
Suddenly, all the audience members were turning into dark scaly skinned monsters with thick knotted hair, yellow teeth and creepy faces. They looked vaguely like Orcs. (I have way too many dreams involving Lord of the Rings characters). All of them began to smile and grin at each other and then they all turned (there were about a thousand of them now), and looked directly at me.
I ran, once again in my body, and fled in the direction of the door. Once outside I sprinted through the forest area that was outside the museum, until it became too dark to see. I started walking at a normal pace and once I had been walking for a few minutes, I walked into a clearing.
Once again, my father and brothers were with me, and there were all these little white lights that surrounded the trees and lighted the edge of the pathways. Classical music was playing in a very calming way, and as we strolled through the gardens that happened to be there, the lights would turn on just as we would walk past. A random woman was also there, and as we walked she continued to say creepy things to my father, and make strange faces. The faces and the things she was saying did not relate, which led to a rather disturbing conversation on the whole.
Eventually, we were sitting on a bench looking at the night sky when I looked into a hole and saw the crowd of Orc-people. I heard the queen's voice saying that only four had changed, each with a special ability, to start off the game. I suddenly realized that 4 of the people had changed into Orcs. Which was weird, because earlier the entire crowd had become an Orc. And I had just looked into a hole and seen all the Orcs. But in my actual dream, the queen's words made sense.

There was some part that related to school, but I can't remember it with enough clarity to write about it.

1 comment:

  1. were looking for followers in the coffee shop. I am following you...would you please follow me.

    Also, I am having an apron giveaway and I would love for you to enter. Terry
