Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Adventures on an Island

July 20
I was attempting to walk around on a nature walk of an island with my camp, when my brother Nick and I got separated from everyone else. After walking around randomly, we came to a building and there were various creepy people in it. Worried, we conferred with one another and decided to escape through the convenient ceiling hatch. I suddenly was detached from my body and watched as Nick was skeptical and I stood and his shoulders and told him it was safe. Once inside, I accidentally fell on a certain part of the hatch rather heavily, as the space had suddenly become filled with ants and creepy insects, and was suddenly in the main room of the creepy people. I suddenly returned to my body, and suddenly there were people telling me what to do, similar to having a split consciousness, and they all spoke in different voices. The boss came in and I ripped an axe from the wall simply because it said "do not touch". Then I fled quickly as the boss informed me that she knew exactly who I was. I fled past various rooms, and once outside met a lush tropical jungle. I saw in front of me a large hillside with various toys on it. I suddenly knew I had to find the special axe in the toys, so I sprinted up the hill in search for the toys. Suddenly the boss was pinning me from behind, and there was a moment when she did a creepy boss moment saying, "I know all about you. The experiment. I secrets. I know it all". I lunged for a nearby toy fireman axe and suddenly it turned to a real one.
Next I was standing lounging on a gate, and I was talking with my friends, who were all deserting me for new friends or whatever. Suddenly, the last one left tugged me by the hand, and we ran through the jungle to a clearing, where in I saw my brothers and a beautiful stream. I asked her to go swimming with me, but she got teary eyed and told me my journey was one to be taken alone, before disappearing into the jungle. I was saddened, and as I walked to my brothers, I contemplated that life could never go back to how it was.
Eventually, I got back home and Nick was telling me something about how he had followed the hatch and slid out to safety when I had fallen.

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