Saturday, July 31, 2010


July 31
I was in a competition with 8 other girls my age, and we were in a theatre. We all put on silly costumes and had an acting lesson. I was wearing a very tall hat, and for some reason this led to me being ignored during the lesson. I was worried that the judges (???) would think that it implied I was not memorable, thus kicking me out of the competition. I moped about it in the car ride home, and when I got to our communal house, I put the brim of the hat over my eyes and went straight to my room. Some of the other girls went on to the patio that bordered my room and proceeded to talk about all my flaws. Embarrassed and irritated, I decided to hide under my bed so that the other girls couldn't tell I was listening. The girls paused in their cruel analysis and peered into the window to see if I was really in my room. Luckily, I was under the bed, but one girl named Nicole saw me. Later, I went to apologize to a girl named Catie for my behavior (not sure who she was or what behavior I meant, but whatever). We talked it out and decided to forgive each other, but later I heard her say she was never going to actually forgive me. Later, at judging, I was told I was very easy to forget, and so was unsuited for the competition. There was some other stuff where I pointed out other people who were also as unsuited, but I wasn't allowed to continue despite my protests.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Random 2

July 30

I was in some sort of raffle for senior tickets despite that fact that I was not a senior. My senior friend and I hung out on the piano and goofed around whilst everyone else danced or played games or whatever.
In the second half of my dream I was having a very complex dream, but I have no memory of what it was about.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Roller Coasters

July 26
First, someone was teaching me how to bhangra dance.
Next, I was making scrambled eggs with sausage and onions, except my dad was also making food so I had to wait for him. By the time he was done, he wanted to leave and have a family excursion at the library, and so he dragged me and my brothers even though I was in pajamas. We parked our bikes outside the library, and had a giant argument, which was awkward because a bunch of people we knew were there. There was something about ice cream and biking.
Later, I was at some amusement park with my good friend. We wanted to do things at the park, but all the games required tokens, and all the token machines required MORE tokens to use them. Annoyed, we went to the counter and decided to split a drawer (similar to a locker I think) for our possessions like our wallets. The drawer was sold in halves, so in the end we divided it into quarters between my friend and myself and I placed a stack of change on the table to pay for the rides and the drawer. The woman asked us what rides we wanted to go on and my friend suggested various ones. We then got into a car, driven by two guides, and drove to the rides. There were not enough seats so I was facing the back windshield, whilst 2 girls I didn't know were facing the front. One girl's name was Alex, and I asked if I could call the other one Nick. My friend had disappeared by this point, but I don't remember being concerned.
When we got out of the car the ride consisted of lying down over the edge of a tall, hump-like structure, and then having the hump placed at the bottom of the ride. I was not prepared, and so when the ride started moving I became terrified. The ride moved you, not tr hump, and proceeded to spin you around and move you up and down, the whole time not ever being tied or connected to you. When we got out I was really scared and remembered that my friend had picked the ride especially for me. I thought about yelling at him, but I'd already had that big argument with my dad so I let it pass.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Mysterious Competition

July 25

I was in my backyard with a bunch of college students, and they were all playing with their hair and discussing lipstick and makeup and the like. Bored, I decided to go see what was in my fridge, but on my way inside the house, the crowd of girls cheered very loudly and I found my self tugged back to the crowd whilst some woman came and gave us all a speech. She said she was disappointed in our creativity, and so we would have to walk around a maze and prove that we really were serious about our work.
I rolled my eyes, but I followed her into my house, which had turned into a type of bizarre swimming pool. There was no water in the pool, yet it was still possible to walk in graceful jump like ways around objects. It seemed more of a place without gravity than without water, but that was just the dream talking. There was a small path in the middle of the water that made it possible to walk waist deep in the water, and the path split at various points, to create more paths. It was in a basic circle shape, but it was also like a maze, and we were instructed to try to get back to the beginning as quickly as possible. I walked faster than everyone else and made sure to follow the correct path and when I stopped (I had walked in a circle as I was supposed to), there were a group of girls all sitting on a bench being critiqued. I was curious that I was not critiqued as I did not remember those people being part of the original group of girls. I waited patiently, and eventually I was told to have walked to fast. I was mad, because I thought I would win because of that, but instead I had points taken off.
Right as I was about to say something however, I was transported to a table with some random teenager my own age that I did not know, and we were discussing the bar nearby. There were two guys sitting in the bar, but they were older than us and were allowed to be drinking. The random girl was saying that she just wanted to have fun for once, but I felt awkward and scared and wanted to get out of there.
As though my wish were granted, I was transported to my school, only it was suddenly night time. At this point, I was very confused about what had been happening and I just decided to sit down and wait for whatever came by. This would have been a great plan, except nothing came by, and eventually I woke up from my dream.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Zombies and Various Chase Scenes

July 23
I was running away from zombies that were taking over the world, in a very action packed chase scene. There was this demon at one point who stood in the middle of a pedestal and slowly started to glow red, which caused all the humans in the area to be drawn to him and not be afraid. I ran inside and tried to get my friend to hurry up but she was slow, so at one point a zombie/vampire/demon (what they were became unclear) clawed her on the side of the neck. I was busy fleeing, but I didn't want to leave her, so I tried to hold her as I ran, but she was super heavy. I had this idea that we would hide in the garage, but then the door wouldn't open when I pressed the right combo, and we almost got caught. We fled to an island area, and I got inside a cave and collapsed. I dropped the random girl (who was my friend but I didn't know her... It was confusing in retrospect.) who I was a carrying and lay there panting, just in time to get trapped in the cave. I couldn't get up, and then they took the girl away and surrounded me. I waited till they thought I was completely helpless and then sprang up and fled.
Later, while standing on a hill overlooking the city, I was thinking of all the ways I had fled the zombies, wearing jackets and cleverly trapping them in locked buildings. I realized I had become older, almost 20, and was one of the only humans left. It seems I was not sad about all my random friends who had died. Either that or I had forgotten all of them already.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


July 21

My brothers and I went out into the backyard and grew roots where are feet were whenever our feet touched the grass. My brothers both changed into trees, which was odd and involved sinking into the grass and having expanding heads. When I didn't want to become a tree they dragged me on so that I also turned into a tree. Only I didn't, I just got roots. Nick, my brother, got mad and tangled his roots in mine till I screamed in pain and got mad. We had a momentary argument and punching fit, but soon we calmed down. We went around digging deep with our roots and leveled all the trees and plants in the yard.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Adventures on an Island

July 20
I was attempting to walk around on a nature walk of an island with my camp, when my brother Nick and I got separated from everyone else. After walking around randomly, we came to a building and there were various creepy people in it. Worried, we conferred with one another and decided to escape through the convenient ceiling hatch. I suddenly was detached from my body and watched as Nick was skeptical and I stood and his shoulders and told him it was safe. Once inside, I accidentally fell on a certain part of the hatch rather heavily, as the space had suddenly become filled with ants and creepy insects, and was suddenly in the main room of the creepy people. I suddenly returned to my body, and suddenly there were people telling me what to do, similar to having a split consciousness, and they all spoke in different voices. The boss came in and I ripped an axe from the wall simply because it said "do not touch". Then I fled quickly as the boss informed me that she knew exactly who I was. I fled past various rooms, and once outside met a lush tropical jungle. I saw in front of me a large hillside with various toys on it. I suddenly knew I had to find the special axe in the toys, so I sprinted up the hill in search for the toys. Suddenly the boss was pinning me from behind, and there was a moment when she did a creepy boss moment saying, "I know all about you. The experiment. I secrets. I know it all". I lunged for a nearby toy fireman axe and suddenly it turned to a real one.
Next I was standing lounging on a gate, and I was talking with my friends, who were all deserting me for new friends or whatever. Suddenly, the last one left tugged me by the hand, and we ran through the jungle to a clearing, where in I saw my brothers and a beautiful stream. I asked her to go swimming with me, but she got teary eyed and told me my journey was one to be taken alone, before disappearing into the jungle. I was saddened, and as I walked to my brothers, I contemplated that life could never go back to how it was.
Eventually, I got back home and Nick was telling me something about how he had followed the hatch and slid out to safety when I had fallen.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


July 14
I was going down the street and after talking to a boy and making conversation, I decided to walk home. On my walk, I saw Justin Bieber and waved at him. He was going my direction, so we walked until the house next to mine, where he turned in. I asked him why and he told me it was charity, so I just nodded.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


July 13
I was walking down a street/park with various YouTube celebrities, talking and chatting. At some point we reached a door and once inside I went to go sit with my parents. My brother, who suddenly appeared, wanted to sit away from the parents, but my mother stopped him and told him to sit with us. A concert was happening and my dad pulled out a strange silver trumpet and started playing along in an embarrassing way.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Becoming a T.V. Show Character

July 10

I was watching a strange t.v. show (ANTM, not that I normally watch such a show, but I accidentally clicked a link for said show in real life, and ended up watching an episode) which had happened in 2004, but suddenly I was at a college campus and getting honored in relation to that. I had become one of the people in the show, and as her, I had gone rafting/swimming in rapids. I had gone with 3 guys, and all the guys were trying to prove they were stronger and stuff, so as the person on the show, I dove in the water to prove myself. After we were done, I knew for a second that I was awake, so I had my former self (who was now a random person named Ann) be really strong but then get hurt by falling in the water. After Ann and the three guys all got out of the water, I became Ann again, just in time for the four of us to be judged on our swim. One guy was said to have not had any emotion, but he claimed he was just being one with the river. They complimented me/Ann on our swimming ability, and then my dream changed.
I was mixing small balls of colored dough together and placing these balls on a map or something. They turned into dogs and penguins, and then they had babies (they sort of came alive). I suggested that since the babies couldn't be married, they could be boyfriend and girlfriend.
Suddenly, I was in a giant field that had hundreds of chairs being set up. It was discovered that I was there to get an award because of my suggestion about the dough babies becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. I even had my own Wikipedia article talking about it. I found it strange, because I claimed to have made the suggestion while I was watching the 2004 season of the t.v. show, but I had been watching it in 2010. My dream person was too confused to think about it, and soon I was waving at people who were passing by and commenting on my award.

Friday, July 9, 2010


July 9

Last night there were a few disjointed dreams that didn't make sense.
At one point I was in a strange storyline, involving nice groups and an evil group. The evil group was trying to prove something, and was doing so by turning into trees and sneaking into the good person camp. Eventually they climbed up a giant rock and were trying to take over the camp. I was somehow on both sides, but I wasn't directly involved.
Next I was at some museum and I was trying to change my clothing without getting in the way. There were tons of people bumbling around, and it was very confusing and annoying. Eventually, everyone left at the same time and I was helping put partitions up. I was singing some song, and then everyone sung along with me.

I've been having trouble remembering my dreams lately.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


July 8

I don't really remember with much clarity what my dream was about, but I do recall vaguely something about having my teeth fall out. When one tooth fell out, it was revealed that all my teeth were connected by wires and so when one fell out, all of them fell out.

There was also something about being in a dark room with little bottles everywhere. I was there with characters from the Harry Potter books. There might have been something about a lake, but I can't really remember

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


July 6

I was at my house, preparing to follow after people and take pictures of them, whilst they were biking. My mother handed me a telephone book, and upon questioning, revealed that it was so i would know the names of everyone I was following. I scoffed at her suggestions, but asked if maybe I should bring paper so as to have notes of where and when i took each one.

Next, there were these people biking around and I was following them on my bike taking pictures, but all the pictures were turning out blurry and not very good quality. I then asked each person to get off their bikes and stand still, one at a time. At this point, my camera turned into a real camera, and some one yelled at the people I was photographing, telling them they were terrible models.

Monday, July 5, 2010

An Interesting Museum Visit

July 5

I was at a Museum and I was not following the rules. Nick (my brother), Alex (my other brother), and I were climbing over the glass walls of a natural history exhibit to further explore. We started by looking at the lava between rocks and commenting that it felt really hot, despite the fact that it was in an exhibit where nobody was supposed to actually be in. There were all these plastic prehistoric animals that were coming to life, but we didn't try to yell for help, because we felt it would be embarrassing to be stuck in a place where we weren't supposed to be. As we left the exhibit, I noticed we had offset a stool and none of us could figure out where it was supposed to go. We had also disturbed some other objects, including a pen (not sure why I distinctly remember the pen), but we figured it didn't really matter where they went, because museums were always having to clean that sort of stuff up anyway. Eventually, a guard came by and informed us that the museum was closing. We went down some impressive stairs and were walking to some hallway, when my dad (who had suddenly appeared) suggested that we stop by the bathroom first.
That was when my dream became very weird.
There was a bathroom nearby, and right outside it was a large concrete toilet which was a statue, but could flush. This strange design of statue did not perturb us one bit, but there were a few moments of my dream where my dad was suggesting we just use the statue instead of going in the bathroom. It was a fairly awkward situation and eventually I was somehow in the bathroom (I didn't walk there, I just suddenly appeared there), and there were hundreds of people inside. Everywhere, people were changing, both men and women, so I quickly left the room, assuming it was a Men's restroom (not sure why I thought that). Once outside, I glanced around and saw a giant crowd of adults, all dressed in fancy ballroom gowns or suits, all standing in a sort of crowded parade or perhaps a very messy line. I began to hurry to get out of the museum because I thought there was going to be some event that happened as a charity or something.
However, despite my hurrying I was soon looking down at the crowd, in a detached, floating sort of way. I saw the crowd cheer and proceed to push forward, surrounding a large, risen black platform on which a throne was sitting. There was a strange sort of light coming from the ceiling and out of it stepped a person dressed in white who I immediately knew to be the queen. She sat down in her throne and addressed the people surrounding her. She spoke in a rhyme. telling them "Come to the *something something something* to which you all were. Do not fear the change, you are safe now and pure."
Suddenly, all the audience members were turning into dark scaly skinned monsters with thick knotted hair, yellow teeth and creepy faces. They looked vaguely like Orcs. (I have way too many dreams involving Lord of the Rings characters). All of them began to smile and grin at each other and then they all turned (there were about a thousand of them now), and looked directly at me.
I ran, once again in my body, and fled in the direction of the door. Once outside I sprinted through the forest area that was outside the museum, until it became too dark to see. I started walking at a normal pace and once I had been walking for a few minutes, I walked into a clearing.
Once again, my father and brothers were with me, and there were all these little white lights that surrounded the trees and lighted the edge of the pathways. Classical music was playing in a very calming way, and as we strolled through the gardens that happened to be there, the lights would turn on just as we would walk past. A random woman was also there, and as we walked she continued to say creepy things to my father, and make strange faces. The faces and the things she was saying did not relate, which led to a rather disturbing conversation on the whole.
Eventually, we were sitting on a bench looking at the night sky when I looked into a hole and saw the crowd of Orc-people. I heard the queen's voice saying that only four had changed, each with a special ability, to start off the game. I suddenly realized that 4 of the people had changed into Orcs. Which was weird, because earlier the entire crowd had become an Orc. And I had just looked into a hole and seen all the Orcs. But in my actual dream, the queen's words made sense.

There was some part that related to school, but I can't remember it with enough clarity to write about it.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


July 4

There was something about Camels and Lord of the Rings. Only this was during the making of the movie and all the other actors were making fun of me because I was really young. There was also a vague reference to my inability to get on a horse after 20 tries and accidentally getting dragged through tide pools.
Later, I was hiding under a table during an earthquake and suddenly all these Orcs erupted out of the ground. The dream achieved nightmare status as I started to run away from the Orcs. I tried to get away but they pulled me down and suddenly I realized they had stabbed me. I then realized I had died and was looking down at my dead body. It was fairly creepy.

I waited until 1 am of the next day to write this, so the details are fuzzy.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Creepy Skeleton Chase Scenes

July 3,

Last night my dream took place in three parts.

In the first part, I was a character in a computer game, specifically the game "The Enchanted Cave", a real life game on .I was attempting to gain treasure out of chests while some voice from above told me what to attack, and where to go. I looked up, and suddenly I had restarted the game by accident. The same thing happened to me multiple times, repeating the same sequence of treasure getting and looking up.

The next part, I had somehow gotten myself stuck in a room with three skeletons, all of whom where attempting to hold me down and chain me to a wall so that Death (who was apparently was a skeleton, and their leader) could come and take me back. Where they were taking me back to is an unresolved issue. Anyways, eventually Death came and picked me up, with one hand, from behind, which was mysterious seeing as I had just been chained to a wall. He grinned creepily, and we proceeded to float down through some dark passageways, until we reached a door. Death went through the door, but since I didn't have the power to going through doors, he dropped me. For some reason I did not run, but waited patiently for him to come and pick me up again. Once outside, we proceeded to float past some various pastures and hills, and I realized I was holding a vial filled with green-blue goo. I looked next to me/ behind me at death, whom I had never actually seen the face of. He had a green lined face, and a long nose, though it was all bone and no flesh. I asked him about the goo and he told me that once we got to "the place", he would put the goo on me and I would die. I nodded and asked him some random question and he proceeded to answer in a long winded sort of way. Having distracted him, I grabbed the goo and dashed it (blogspot says that dashed is not a word?) to the ground, and somehow ran out of his grip.

Next, I was still running away from death, but this time I was with a friend of mine. We were in Norway, in a deserted village, and Death was standing on a hill not too far off. My friend handed me a ring and told me to "do a back-flip when we [got] to the school". Apparently, "that [would] do the trick". I nodded, but was very confused. I put on the ring and suddenly both my friend and I were invisible. Somehow, I knew that Death had given me the ring which i had given to my friend, so it surprised me to find out that Death could not see either of us. We ran into a nearby mall (don't ask), and through some random shops. Next, we ran into the men's restrooms, shut ourselves in stalls, and stood on the toilets so that death could not see our feet. Despite the fact that we were invisible, we were still worried about our feet showing. After a small break, with Death nowhere around, my friend started to yell things, so as to taunt Death. I found this ridiculous, and popped my head over the stall side to tell him so, but he had suddenly turned into Pipin from The Lord of the Rings. I was so surprised that I failed to notice Death, who suddenly grabbed both Pipin and myself and with a triumphant "AHA!" proceeded to whisk us off to wherever we were going.

At some point, I got free again and was telling Death all about how to fight with a sword, but that part of my dream is very confusing. (Not that the first half isn't confusing as well...)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Basements, Parades, and Other Exciting Adventures

July 2

My dream started out somewhere in the snow, where my family and I were camping. There was a nearby river that had strange murky things in it, and lots of sticks. At one point we were trying to forge it, but I'm not sure for what purpose.
Later, we were in the basement of my house, attempting to find things to do. There were some various cousins and friends also with my siblings and I, and so I was trying to prove that my house was exciting. I told them that there were many secret passages in the walls, and to prove it I proceeded to touch every slightly indented area on my way down the basement steps. Though I had really been lying about the secret passages, a few secret passages appeared during my search. I then had to pretend that I wasn't excited to explore them, since I had told everyone that I had been in them before.
A little bit later, I was returning to the normal area of the house and I saw my brother Nick packing up his backpack and attempting to sneak out of the house. It had suddenly become night. I snuck after him and saw him walk out the front door and climb into a car. I would have followed more, but I felt a hand on my shoulder and some random women was leading me to another car, and bemused by the whole experience, I followed. Soon I was riding along in the second car, though we seemed to be going in an opposite direction. Eventually it became clear that somebody was looking for my brother, and whoever it was thought that the car he was in was MY car.
Suddenly, my dream changed, leaving the random car chase experience unexplained, and I was tagging along, pretending to be part of a parade. I was collecting +1 symbols that appeared out of peoples arms when they marched, but it was somewhat difficult because I wasn't walking, but actually getting dragged along by the person in front of me. After awhile, my ride started going so fast that I slid sideways and hit a stone barrier, causing me to detach from my ride. At first I was annoyed, then embarrassed as people proceeded to laugh at me. To hide my embarrassment I jumped over to the other side of the stone barrier. Not that this was an improvement. I was now standing in water, blocking the way for a parade that involved the queen. I attempted to jump out of the way, into some strange green lily pads. Disgusted, I flailed around trying to get the water off, causing a lot of mayhem. Eventually, there was some part about counting discs or pebbles or something.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

More School Stress

July 1

This time I was going into my first day of history, but for some reason it wasn't the first day of school. It was a day during the summer when you came and took only your first two classes of the day, and then went home. I walked into history and everyone in my class was super annoying. Also, we immediately were taking a reading quiz of some sort and when I had gotten half-way through the quiz, the teacher walked out of the room and someone stole my paper. I was annoyed that my teacher was not the one I was looking forward to having, plus my class was terrible. I walked out of the class quietly crying and hurried to the office, because for some reason nobody had told me my second period class and I had nowhere else to go. I had to wait in a long line in the office, and when I got to the front of the line, my new Spanish teacher was there. She told me how nice it would be to have me in her class, but I informed her that I had never received a schedule. I told her I wanted to change my class for history to one where I had a preferable teacher and class. After awhile, I came out of the office and everything was disorienting, because it was no longer my high school. Eventually I proceeded to walk around in every English classroom asking if I was on the role call. It was very confusing.