Friday, June 25, 2010

Theatre Performances

June 25
this marks the start of my "advanced" dream logs. Since i write them in the morning, i'm generally tired and my writing and descriptions are lame. I'm going to try to do better. Starting now.

Last night my dream was very bizarre. It started off in an auditorium, where there were people filling about half the seats and watching people on the stage. I sat down in a seat, with some guy who apparently was my boyfriend. I look at the stage, which had turned into the floor of the gym, and these people that were wearing boots that bobsled teams wear, were jumping around the gym in strange black leotards, sort of skating/gliding along. My boyfriend then said that he was looking forward to the performance, and I nodded and walked down the aisle to an unknown location, possibly in front of the stage that had reappeared. I looked back up at my boyfriend, who was suddenly in the row one above me, despite the fact that i had just walked down about 5 rows worth, and was now standing on the base level.
Anyways, i watched as my dream boyfriend was first talking with a girl, then hugging her, then sitting and laughing with her, and then finally proceeding to draw her into a deep kiss. My friends, who had suddenly appeared next to me, asked "isn't that your boyfriend?" and I replied "I thought he was" in a completely unconcerned manner.
At some point I entered the backstage area where people in costume were running around and practicing ballet. I had a moment where I knew I was dreaming, and attempting to control my dream, I willed myself into a costume and proceeded to walk back out of the backstage area, though a small doorway in the way, that led me to the front area of the theatre, looking out at what had become packed bleachers. My friend appeared beside me and mentioned her fear of heights.
There was also something about resolving the mysterious dream-boyfriend-that-kissed-other people dilemma, but I can not recall with much clarity what occurred.

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