Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Third Grade

Jun 29
I was back in my third grade classroom, and I was getting a grade back on some assignment. The assignment I had turned in had a hand drawn star and a few words scribbled underneath. My third grade teacher explained I would have to start doing better, and was talking to my father about it. I went outside the classroom and I lost my grip on my paper, and it flew away in the breeze. It fluttered across a field and over a fence, and as I lost it, my teacher was annoyed that I was unable to catch the paper, telling me it was part of my grade.
Next I realized that I wasn't in third grade, but actually in 11th grade. I then thought how on days when lunch was after my English class (I suppose I was taking third grade English at Duveneck, my old elementary school), I would have a half hour to get back to PALY (my actual high school). I was telling my teacher that it would take 45 mins to get to PALY, and so there wasn't enough time. And anyway, I informed her, I couldn't ever get to 4th period on time, because passing period was only 5 minutes.
Suddenly, I was on a train and when it stopped I was walking down the train aisle, but the setup was similar to the Hogwarts train in Harry Potter. There were many separate compartments, and each had a classroom in it. I was trying to find my classroom, and there was some lady asking me how I felt when I turned wooden handles, and later I found out I was placed in a Special Ed class. It was all very strange.

Monday, June 28, 2010

There Really Can Be No Title For This Dream

Jun 28
It started off with myself and a random guy awkwardly staring at each other across rooms, until eventually we met. Then we went diving together, only we first wrapped ourselves in polyester tubes, such that we didn't have to use oxygen. We inspected the water and found mini jellyfish and little tiny animals, but we soon realized that all the animals were dying because of pollution.
Soon I was in a large room, and they were announcing the winners of some strange television show. I was not anywhere close to being a winner, but there was a part where my friend from ice-skating won, so I was pleased.

Later, on a mysterious tangent, I was in a cooking class setting with my friends and we were cooking pizza. The annoying people in my cooking class dropped cherries into it for some reason, but we were able to still make an okay pizza. Later, I walked into my first class of the day (for some reason cooking didn't count), but at first I couldn't remember what my first period class was. I walked into a random class and asked if it was "2nd period", but I was ushered rudely out.
Then, I was back at the competition place, only things had changed from the initial design. To begin with, there were 4 picture stations set up, surrounding a small pool. It was very sunny and warm, and I appeared to be on my way out of the reception. I was walking with someone that was apparently my friend, and their mother. At each picture station they took your email and name, so that they could send you the pictures. At first the pictures were taken as you walked by, to test your natural picture taking abilities. However, the last ones required standing on couches and posing. I was watching my friend try posing and I thought I would try, because I realized that a bunch of poses were possible. In the end however, I just felt too awkward to have my picture taken. I told the camera people that I wanted to become part of the technical aspects, like lighting or sound. I then decided to try taking an experimental picture with my friend and her mother, and when it didn't look terrible, I left my name and email down. When they heard my last name, they said "I don't want to hear that last name" and I was intrigued, but did not question.
Upon walking out of the picture area, my friend and her mother disappeared and I was standing next to some tall, brown haired man who was teaching me how to plug myself into an Ethernet cable and access the inside of the controls for the picture taking area. At one point, we dove into a small white paneled area, while a women yelled at us. The guy pushes me forward to access this strange screen with data on it, but he was unplugged from his cable and was unable to stay inside the data area. I'm not sure what happened after that, but i think the man lived and I eventually got out.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chase Scenes

Jun 27
I was crouching outside of a museum, dressed in some sort of running clothes, and I carefully snuck into the museum and was hopping from covered patch to covered patch until a guard caught me and chased me. I ran out passed the woolly mammoth exhibit and past a case about brains and out through a "museum personnel only" door. Once outside, I realized there were police and various investigator looking for me, and I had to run away very fast. This women chased me for a long time, through a complex city that had an extremely improbable number of thin passages between buildings, and way too many trash cans. It was late at night, and as I rounded a corner, there was the museum again. I had somehow run in a complete circle (though it took me what felt like hours). Dashing through the legs of the policemen, I mysteriously ran back into the museum. I had a large chase with various people and ended up running out the same door as before. At this point, my dream changed to something about bathtubs.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Theatre Performances

June 25
this marks the start of my "advanced" dream logs. Since i write them in the morning, i'm generally tired and my writing and descriptions are lame. I'm going to try to do better. Starting now.

Last night my dream was very bizarre. It started off in an auditorium, where there were people filling about half the seats and watching people on the stage. I sat down in a seat, with some guy who apparently was my boyfriend. I look at the stage, which had turned into the floor of the gym, and these people that were wearing boots that bobsled teams wear, were jumping around the gym in strange black leotards, sort of skating/gliding along. My boyfriend then said that he was looking forward to the performance, and I nodded and walked down the aisle to an unknown location, possibly in front of the stage that had reappeared. I looked back up at my boyfriend, who was suddenly in the row one above me, despite the fact that i had just walked down about 5 rows worth, and was now standing on the base level.
Anyways, i watched as my dream boyfriend was first talking with a girl, then hugging her, then sitting and laughing with her, and then finally proceeding to draw her into a deep kiss. My friends, who had suddenly appeared next to me, asked "isn't that your boyfriend?" and I replied "I thought he was" in a completely unconcerned manner.
At some point I entered the backstage area where people in costume were running around and practicing ballet. I had a moment where I knew I was dreaming, and attempting to control my dream, I willed myself into a costume and proceeded to walk back out of the backstage area, though a small doorway in the way, that led me to the front area of the theatre, looking out at what had become packed bleachers. My friend appeared beside me and mentioned her fear of heights.
There was also something about resolving the mysterious dream-boyfriend-that-kissed-other people dilemma, but I can not recall with much clarity what occurred.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

School Stress

Jun 20

I dreamed that I was going to school for the first day of Junior year, but that I had forgotten to get school supplies or finish all of my AP US history homework. I was planning how to get them done if my APUSH class was after lunch, but I didn't know my schedule. There was some confusion when I first entered the school ground, but somehow I ended up on the quad and putting my backpack down. When I later came back for it, it was opened upside down and some stuff was gone. Namely my AP work. There was some part about me running through the campus and yelling at various administrators/teachers. Nobody was helpful in my search. There was also some part about running over to Johnson park and some teachers chasing us. Lastly, my friend and I were standing on a gate by a dark park while creepy music played and the sound of spooky screaming and blood dripping sound could be heard.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Jun 19

My dream was strange and involved my mother getting divorced and having a boyfriend and my dad having a girlfriend and me having to choose between my parents. There was a large party and both parents were standing around. I was very mad at them for making my decision harder.
And then I was in school and there were all these strange things going on. Because of this, someone informed me that my mother was dead. At one point, there was a large raindrop that knocked me over, and i had trouble standing up. For some reason I was given a balloon and I was moping around carrying it. I had a moment of clear thought, where i realized i was pretending that my mother was dead, and was pretending to have to choose between my parents. But i realized that my friends were coming over to comfort me, and so i remained silent. There was also something about a bus and a school prank and me falling over in the rain (again).

(see? I fall over in the rain alot, non-existent readers. but maybe its a good thing that you don't exist. I act differently in dreams. I guess i have less peer pressure in them)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sports and Falling Over

Jun 18

There was something about polar ears and seals and fish and how they were all disappearing.

Then there was something about the Olympics and how I was the USA runner for a baseball hitter and I failed. And then i was something else for the soccer for England and I also screwed up. There was something about people looking for Camille (a friend of mine) and Pocahontas, but since they weren't around I pretended I was them, and everyone believed me for some bizarre reason.

Then there was a part about school and dentist appointments and rain. I was waking on a slanted road and it was uphill and rainy, and I was having trouble walking straight. At the top I turned around and there were all these people looking at me strangely. I lied and told them i had a back problem, because i was embarrassed about not being able to get up once i fell over. This is a consistent theme in dreams that i have. The falling over thing i mean.

Then when nick (my brother) and I got home, our house was set up like a mystery house or a haunted house or something and it was creepy.

Lastly, there was a game of womens basketball going on and I was sitting on the hoop causing trouble for the players.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mazes and More

Jun 11 or 12
My dream 2-3 days ago was about wanting to go to castilleja, a nearby girls private school, and something about new family members and skateboarding

My dream last night (jun 14) was about a maze, and if things wrapped around you, you had to stay in the maze, so you tried to push the random objects on other people. Then there was a prize at the end, so when I got free from the maze, I went to the clerk person, but first I had to do some strange thing that involved giving a red ticket, but I had a green ticket. Then the clerk told me to wait, and they went to go get lunch. While I was waiting, a different person had everyone sit down, at which point my spot in line was lost. I was really mad because only the first 30 people got prizes, and I yelled at the cashier for awhile, but it did no good.