Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sorry For Forgetting to Post My Dreams

September 29
First there was something about me dancing in a show that i really did not want to be in. For some reason it was very embarrassing and when I complained to my brother Nick about it he said that we should never mention the event ever again.
Then, I was riding on horse back across some trail seeing wild deer that looked liked donkeys everywhere. One male deer charged my horse, and I didn't know what to do. My dad said, "duck" which wasn't very helpful.
Lastly, I was in a bookstore having bought a present for my mom, but having picked out a dull book. I was trying to exchange it, but for some reason I had to go through a long ordeal. I don't know where I was, but it had giant staircases and impressive arches, and despite the fact that the bookstore started on ground level I kept exiting from the first floor and having walk down stairs. Those stairs were very thin and had books everywhere. The shopkeeper kept disappearing into this strange upstairs area, but I didn't want to follow them up there for some reason, so i kept having to wait for them.

Note: I seem have misplaced multiple dreams that I had written down. I think I recycled them. Sorry about that.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


September 19

Though I can't remember my dream in full clarity, there were some parts I remember very well, but I'm not sure how they all connect.

At one point, I was running down a hallway, and discovered a natural ladder that had formed out of strange boxes on the walls. I climbed up the ladder and escaped from the people that were chasing me, but I discovered that I was actually in plain sight from anyone below me if they bothered to look up.

Later, I was with my sister/friend in a similar situation, and she escaped but I didn't. Then, I became her, and ran off over a hill and through some water to escape. I/She came across a hiking trail and pretended to be hikers so as to cover our escape.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

School Related Strangeness

September 18

The first part related to strange cheerleaders being jerks at school. There was this giant chase and something about a glove. I don't remember what happened, but it ended in one of them pouring a gallon of vinegar on my head.

Next, I was looking through this random guy's backpack, and noticing that his teachers just gave him terrible grades no matter what he did. I found this unfair, since some of the comments in the writing section included things about pronunciation. When his teacher came over, I made rude comments when she couldn't pronounce words, but it didn't make sense because we were discussing another language at the time.

Then I was trying to camp out like the early settlers, only I was in the courtyard of my school. There was all this sand on the ground, but the wind was very windy, and it was blowing everywhere. I dug myself a ditch, but then all this wildlife was everywhere and everyone else fled. I had fallen asleep in the pit, and woke up to find everyone gone and lots of wild animals running around. I ran, leaving my stuff behind, into a random classroom, which turned into my house.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why are my Siblings Always Insane in Dreams?

September 15
My dreams were all stress-filled and confusing.
I was sitting on some dock with my brother Nick, thinking about going across the shore to get my brother Alex, when Alex decided to walk across the lake in strange dressy clothing. I yelled at him because I thought he was going to make the boat wet but he ignored me.
At one point I was chased by a deer and was getting kicked and bitten as i fled.
There was also something about food shops and alarms when I opened books.

Monday, September 13, 2010


September 13
Last night I dreamed I was camping/ hiking through snowy mountains. First, my brother and I climbed a giant rock pile, but he got to the top whereas I gave up. Seeing his accomplishment, I tried again and got to the top. Each time a new person went by, I would climb up to point out my skill
Then my brother and I decided to climb up a random peak, but the snow was slippery, and I couldn't keep my balance. I kept falling over and sliding part way down. Soon we gave up and came back down, past these strange groups of people. We found my dad, who was making a fire, but before we finished, there was a rockslide.
It was very odd, as it seemed to just flow down the mountains with tons of rocks and swept everything in it's path aside. It hit our campsite and I was caught in the landslide. I decided to stay limp, because struggling caused me to sink, and soon I got out of the snow. I couldn't find my dad, mainly because I was using a technique I remembered my dad telling me, which was to cover my eyes and walk, so as to protect me. Because of this, I couldn't see. It was a fairly stupid dilemma.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


September 11
Last night was very disjointed. It started put with some dream about running through snow and being almost hit on the head by a giant animal. Then, I was at a school, and was looking at the man who made the popcorn fill his butter machine. I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection. I was with 2 other people, and their reflections didn't show them, but a person who was inside of them. Mine, however only showed me, and I was confused. Later, I was explaining it to my mom, and she thought it meant I had come back with the most difficult extra person. (I assumed she meant back from the snow area.) in my dream, I had a fuzzy understanding that everyone else's extra selves were temporary, but mine was very permanent. It was scary at the time.
There was also a confusing part where I told some group of people I was gay, but then took it back. The crowd then turned into highschool students, and we were all running around in random classrooms, and talking about terrible t.v shows.
Then some strange things about Harry Potter capes happened, but I can't remember very much.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Heart Failure

September 5
It started off with something about my heart not beating due to a fall I had taken down some stairs whilst holding a microwave. I had been standing on a ledge trying to open a microwave, but had lost my balance.
After having fallen I had walked into church, but I couldn't use my muscles in my arm without pain, so we left early. Soon after, my heart stopped beating and my parents brought me to the hospital. When I woke up I had two hearts in my body and a broken arm, so had to spend time getting better. My first action was to make a facebook status, and then I went out for a walk around the gardens to get better. My feet were very wobbly and I kept slipping around. My mom had to help me stay upright for most of the time, and at one point we slipped down a hillside covered in pink slime and into the nest of a hornbill-esque creature. The creature got mad at our intrusion, so I scrambled away.
The next part related to my heart injury in an unknown way, but suddenly I was in the middle of a large battle. I grabbed a gun that allowed for wide shots and proceeded to snipe at the enemy. My broken arm and wounded heart slowed me down, and there were many close calls. At one point I jumped super fast off a cliff to try and reach the enemy city, but I fell through the air at too fast a rate. Somehow I got rescued, and found myself in the middle of the enemy city with my math teacher. It was very strange and scary, so I tried to "save" but then I remembered life didn't have an option to save or load. At that point, my heart stopped beating again, and I passed out/woke up.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I Blame This Dream On Lack Of Sleep

September 4, 2010

We were hiking around and found this cave. In the cave were dark places and lots of rock so we went around and investigated. When we tried to get out of it, the cave opening had moved to above our heads and we discovered we were stuck in a pit. I climbed on my brother's shoulders and climbed out. Once out, I noticed that our horses (that had appeared) were running away, so i abandoned my family in the cave and ran after them. Eventually I gave up and remembered my brother and father in the cave and went back to check on them. The pit opening was at the top of a hill this time, so i decided to removed all the stones on the side of the hill. This plan was not a good one, however, as soon the whole cave collapsed.

Next there was a part about finding a computer at the top of the hill and trying to e-mail my mother to tell her about the cave incident, but the internet wasn't working (no duh) and so it somehow deleted everything in my e-mail. When we (my family had someone gotten out) went back home, I found a small turtle. I put it in an old tank, but there were giant crickets and mealworms in the tank that ended up eating the animal. I tried to rescue the other turtles that were in other tanks, but was grossed out by everything else, so I gave up.

There was another part of my dream that had something to do with a school trip and getting lost. I was leaving via this strange ramp as I tried to find my way around, but I ran into my friends and they directed me the correct way.