Sunday, August 15, 2010

Camping Dreams

August 11-15
I went camping for 4 days, and here are various dreams I had during that time.
At one point I dreamed I got back from a camping trip to discover that I had a ton of summer homework, and that the next day was the first day of school. I was really scared and realized all I had finished was the required reading without having done any of the notes or maps or anything. Looking back over the instructions, I noticed the reading was "optional".

Another time I dreamt my mom was making my dinner in the microwave, and so I decided to get up and check. I actually woke myself up. As it turns out, the "microwave" was the waterfall that my tent was camped near. Oh well.

A different night I dreamed that I was asking for a job at some carwash place. They asked me if I had reccomendations, a résumé, or experience. I told them no, I had none of those things, but I did have ability with towels and water (or something like that). The employer checked with her college to see if I would be acceptable, and then decided to hire me. She then proceeded to show me all the things needed for the job, and explained that even though it was 10pm, most of the other workers were still there. Then she proceeded to set me to work, while a bunch of other students my age were introduced to me. Their names kept changing, which confused me, but eventually I got the hang of it.

My last dream on the trip was also equally strange, and full of interesting details, most of which I don't remember. The main part I remember consisted of some girl being super mad at me due to something I had said. After awhile of her yelling at me, I pointed out that we were next to some open windows, and everyone could hear us. I drove us both to my house, and we went into my garage to argue. My mom came out to ask why I had driven the car, so the other girl hid whilst I proceeded to give my mother some lame excuse about getting my bike from school. She nodded and went back inside the house. After that, I turned back to the girl and we decided to stop arguing.

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