Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Need To Play Less Computer Games

August 29
There was this hermit/turtle/evil cheif person who kept following me around whilst my family and I were snow camping. At one point he got mad at us (when in his evil stage) and so we proceeded to battle him. He had a strange rotating device that shot out glowing orbs, and we had to knock down these wooden poles so that the machine wouldn't work. I knocked one down, but then a giant picked me up and held me as a target. Another person on the enemy side shot a beam of sunlight at me, but I scrambled on to the giant's back and flung myself off so that the sunlight hit the giant and killed it.
A one point my brother and I were walking around and trying to get to the public library, but there was a giant ice bank that had the hermit guy in it. He (my brother) kept trying to fling me over the bank, but his throw was off, so we both crashed into the ice, enraging the hermit once again.
There was also some part about me being homeless and sleeping out in the rain.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

More Randomness

Last night I dreamed I was sitting in my backyard petting some dog, when a random guy hopped over the fence. Confused and slightly annoyed (not scared for some reason), I went up to him to tell him to get out of my yard. The man did some strange hand gesture in the hair that I somehow knew was magical, and I started to flee. Unfortunately, the spell caught me and lifted me into the air and trapped me in a dark place. I could move or see, causing me to become claustrophobic.

(I woke up to find myself tangled in the sheets)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


August 18
In the first section, I was called to babysit in an emergency situation for my next door neighbor, Austin. I agreed and had just started getting him to take a nap when the doorbell rang. I answered it to find a random girl who informed me she had come to babysit Austin. I didn't know her, and neither of us had proof that we were the rightful babysitter, so we decided to both babysit and then just split the wages equally.
Meanwhile, some sort of parade was going on outside so we both went out to investigate. We discovered a parade with small children in carts being pulled by ducks. The other girl told me to watch Austin's dog (which had just suddenly appeared) while she watched the parade. There was also a bear that was following the parade and some how got into the house. It followed me and scratched me and generally acted unrealistic and territorial.
Soon after, I was walking in a little kid area/amusement park with my parents trying to find some where to play in, but everything kept shutting down before we got there. We sent my mom to come in from the other side to snatch food before things closed and then we ate all the food she had collected.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Camping Dreams

August 11-15
I went camping for 4 days, and here are various dreams I had during that time.
At one point I dreamed I got back from a camping trip to discover that I had a ton of summer homework, and that the next day was the first day of school. I was really scared and realized all I had finished was the required reading without having done any of the notes or maps or anything. Looking back over the instructions, I noticed the reading was "optional".

Another time I dreamt my mom was making my dinner in the microwave, and so I decided to get up and check. I actually woke myself up. As it turns out, the "microwave" was the waterfall that my tent was camped near. Oh well.

A different night I dreamed that I was asking for a job at some carwash place. They asked me if I had reccomendations, a résumé, or experience. I told them no, I had none of those things, but I did have ability with towels and water (or something like that). The employer checked with her college to see if I would be acceptable, and then decided to hire me. She then proceeded to show me all the things needed for the job, and explained that even though it was 10pm, most of the other workers were still there. Then she proceeded to set me to work, while a bunch of other students my age were introduced to me. Their names kept changing, which confused me, but eventually I got the hang of it.

My last dream on the trip was also equally strange, and full of interesting details, most of which I don't remember. The main part I remember consisted of some girl being super mad at me due to something I had said. After awhile of her yelling at me, I pointed out that we were next to some open windows, and everyone could hear us. I drove us both to my house, and we went into my garage to argue. My mom came out to ask why I had driven the car, so the other girl hid whilst I proceeded to give my mother some lame excuse about getting my bike from school. She nodded and went back inside the house. After that, I turned back to the girl and we decided to stop arguing.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Dreams Really Need More Organization

August 8
One part was about a person who was stuck in blue sticky sand and so made a giant chain with their famiily so they could all fling themselves into a deep pond.
Another part was about a boy lying on the railroad tracks and I was trying to convince him to get up. I did, just in time, and he ran to his family and hugged them. Feeling like an outsider, I turned and walked off and when the boy turned to point me out, I was gone.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

School Stress #unknown

August 7
Today I dreamed that it was the first day of school but I hadn't done any of the summer homework.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


August 3
I was with my family and we all decided to get tatooes. But when we got to the place, my father was impatient, and told us all to get our tatooes quickly. I was attempting to get a bracelet one with a Rice Boy-esque landscape, but instead I got a "fearless" tatooe with strange black wavy lines because I was rushing. Later, I was annoyed with myself for not choosing with care, so I asked my brother what he got. He had three tatooes, carefully placed at the exact beginning, middle, and end of his left arm. The first one had a brown dog and then two blue-green dogs playing. He said something about how they symbolized himself and my other brother and I. The others ones were equally strange, but I cannot remember them
Then I was attempting to bike through a store, but was getting yelled at for doing so. The owner told everyone who was with me (various other people had appeared) to get off our bikes, but I fled through the store at a tremendous rate and got out before the man could catch me. While I was running through the store, I saw my theatre teacher, and I was worried she had seen me. I quickly biked to school and started doing theatre things so he wouldn't catch on, but people kept stopping l me along the way and commenting on my tatooe, that had morphed into something strange and mystical looking.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Rather Dull Dream

August 2
I was in someone's large, prestigious house, and they had many animals which were running around wildly. One of my friends picked up the person's dog, but then accidentally got mad. The man yelled at everyone for acting like terrible guests, and the ushered us all out.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Late Dream

Note: This dream happened on July 12, but my iPod on which I write down my dreams refused to e-mail my dream to myself, causing much irritation. But here is the late dream.

July 12
I was at an amusement park on some water ride, and the instructions were very confusing. I was told to put on helmets and goggles but I didn't so I got transported to a different land. I had some sort of creature or something... Not 100% sure what was going on.
Next, I was on a tour in some boat when a guy fell out of the boat and had to be rescued by someone on the shore with a long white pole. She came down and told us all to be more careful, and then started to show us some abalones. She told us she collected them for a living. We waded through the water and she pointed out a small cavern that had abalones everywhere. There were 4 of us and I couldn't see, so I started to back out of the place, but it had become very thin and required some hard crawling. When I got out, the lady was telling us that we wouldn't have to pay in money, just in abalones that we had collected. I hadn't collected very many, because it had been crowded, so my parent had to pay with a check.
Later, I was sitting in a tree feeling like it wasn't very fair (in reference to the whole situation with paying money). I don't know who I was, but I might have possibly been the person who couldn't pay or some girl named Katie that everyone around me was mentioning.


August 1

So I was at a movie theatre with some of my friends, and was planning on watching a a video that was a collection of clips from a YouTube channel. Some of the clips included me in them, and suddenly I was back in the making of the movie. It was fairly hectic and people were needing help to do embarrassing things. I was doing weird things like weighing shoes against water and explaining how to button closed a shirt. Whenever I did these embarrassing things there was always a camera person there to film "behind the scenes" footage, which was annoying and some what embarrassing at times.