Sunday, December 12, 2010

What's Up With my Trapdoor Obsession?

December 12, 2010

I was going upstairs to the booth for some play in a day, but some woman was following me, trying to find the bathroom. As I went up the stairs, the stairs split into two, and I told the women the bathroom was on the left most staircase, but it was very easy to take the wrong one. We continued up the stairs and I pointed out the bathroom, realizing I had never actually been inside. I decided to go in, because of curiosity, and I discovered a very strange room. I heard a small sound as though a door was being closed, and then I saw a trapdoor in the ceiling swing back and forth. Creeped out, I told the woman I was going to go investigate. I clambered up and discovered a small crawlspace area. It was too inconvienient to explore at that very moment, so I decided to crawl down. Just as I was about to, I noticed the passage connected to a trapdoor later on, and decided to find the other end.
I decided to go up the other staircase, and discovered a small removable part of the wall. I wanted to climb up and explore, but I was a bit too short. Eventually, with help from the women, I climbed up and discovered some various items that I had remembered having but couldn't remember where I put them. I decided it would be best to wait for my friends who i normally explored with, but as I was coming down I saw 3 guys on the step watching me. Though I only knew one of them, I told them what I was doing. They asked to come up, and since I didn't want to be rude, I let them. Soon, however, one of boys found a stash of props and tried to put them in a backpack to steal. I told him not to, and convinced his two friends to stop him. The boy picked up his friend, apparently named Calvin, threw him against a post and broke his neck. He then continued to steal things. The other boy, Simon (I don't know how I knew their names), and I were obviously worried by this. I started down the stairs to a balcony and started screaming for help. My mother, who was on stage, said "oh, that's heather's voice I hear", which made everyone on stage think I was joking. I looked up and saw Simon struggling with the other boy.
Then there was something where I went downstairs to find I had been given an acting role. Later, however, my friend came up to me and told me something about shadows, which related to my trapdoor experience and my acting role no longer being needed.
At this point, I woke up.

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