Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Disobeying Instructions

December 22, 2010

I was at tech and walking through a meeting that my teacher was in. Wanting to get out without bothering the meeting too much, I asked my teacher (K) if a certain door that I saw to my left was the exit. She said that it was not, but that the area behind the door was rundown and dangeous. She then directed me to a different door.
When I got out of the room, I immediatly went to go find my friend M. I told her what K had said about the door and we planned how to get back there. We returned to the room I had come from, but everyone was gone. We went and opened the door that I had been instructed not to open, but it had changed from a normal door to a double door such as would open to a meeting room.
Inside, we were greeted with an enormous number of rows of bookshelves. Going up to each row were a variety of step stools and ladders. Running around through the isles, I discovered that the back of the room was quite a long way back. At the back was a carpeted area like a library with tons of craft items that I identified as belonging to a Sunday school group.
Looking back, I saw K looking sternly at the door to the room. I also saw that I had been followed in by many of my fellow classmates. They were being admonished for being in the room. Realizing how bad it would look if I returned to the front of the room, seeing as she had specifically told me not to go here, I searched for another route out. I saw a door at the back and opened it. Going through, I saw it opened into a swampy/muddy meadow. The meadow was surrounded by a small fence. Turning back towards the direction I had come, I saw houses and various buildings that seemed to be hidden from the public eye in every direction except the one from which I as viewing them.
Worried that my absense would be suspicious, I hopped the low fence and decided to go back to class. Sneaking along on the side of the houses, I again saw K looking stern. I immediatly fled back to the meadow, where I saw my brother, N, and my friend M. Telling them to turn around, we surveyed the various routes we could now take. We eventually got back to the theatre by going through a museum and ending up at the front of the theatre.
K was a bit confused why we appeared at the front of the theatre, but failing to have enough evidence to blame us for the large number of people in the forbidden room, she let us go.
N and I returned home, at which point we wandered into his room, which was mysteriously many stories up and overlooking the roof of MIT. Noticing a trap door on the roof, we decided to investigate, having learned nothing from our previous escapades. We dropped down into a small room. Various people wandered by, one of whom gave us a small tour.
The rest of the dream is fuzzy.

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