Thursday, December 30, 2010

College Life

December 30, 2010

I dreamed that for some reason I was going to Brown University, despite the fact that I had not graduated high-school. My parents hadn't really informed me of this plan ahead of time. Rather, they had told me we were visting my brother, N, who currently goes to Brown. I packed lightly, and when we got there, I felt rather small and young. My parents led me to my brother's dorm, and I met some of his friends and stuff. Then I went into a different room, just to see what it looked like, when my parent's informed me I was going to school there as well. Confused, I put down my stuff and looked around.
My dream shifted, and I had been there for a little while. I still didn't have a roommate, and I was confused as to where all my classes were. I went across the hall, where my brother's dorm room was, and asked him to take me places. He was annoyed that I didn't know my way around the place, and requested that I find a new guide as soon as possible. Annoyed, I called my parents, explaining the problem. We decided that the best plan was for them to come back and then give me rides to my classes until I learned my way around. Just as I was getting used to this idea, my roommate walked in. She was strangely enthusiastic, but she told me some various rules that she wanted us to follow. I immediately agreed, though I forgot most of them immediately.
A little stressed about my strange "college life", I decided to go swimming with my family. We somehow were altogether, and were walking out on some balcony. For some reason it was night, and we couldn't see the bottom of the ocean/water that we were trying to dive into. Discouraged, we decided to go swimming another day.
Returning home from our trip, I decided to take a shower and try out the dorm bathrooms. Mysteriously, it was both Christmas, New Years, and Halloween. People were finding dead bodies, covering them in blood and ketchup, and laying them out under trees. It was supposed to be the preparation for some sort of Halloween tag game. A little creeped out, I took my shower and headed back to my room, only to discover a random person lying on the ground next to the window, apparently hiding. When they saw me, they jumped up and yelled "Party!" and then covered me in ketchup, I immediately ran to go take another shower.
I have a vague recollection that other people kept doing this to me, but I'm not sure how it was resolved.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Disobeying Instructions

December 22, 2010

I was at tech and walking through a meeting that my teacher was in. Wanting to get out without bothering the meeting too much, I asked my teacher (K) if a certain door that I saw to my left was the exit. She said that it was not, but that the area behind the door was rundown and dangeous. She then directed me to a different door.
When I got out of the room, I immediatly went to go find my friend M. I told her what K had said about the door and we planned how to get back there. We returned to the room I had come from, but everyone was gone. We went and opened the door that I had been instructed not to open, but it had changed from a normal door to a double door such as would open to a meeting room.
Inside, we were greeted with an enormous number of rows of bookshelves. Going up to each row were a variety of step stools and ladders. Running around through the isles, I discovered that the back of the room was quite a long way back. At the back was a carpeted area like a library with tons of craft items that I identified as belonging to a Sunday school group.
Looking back, I saw K looking sternly at the door to the room. I also saw that I had been followed in by many of my fellow classmates. They were being admonished for being in the room. Realizing how bad it would look if I returned to the front of the room, seeing as she had specifically told me not to go here, I searched for another route out. I saw a door at the back and opened it. Going through, I saw it opened into a swampy/muddy meadow. The meadow was surrounded by a small fence. Turning back towards the direction I had come, I saw houses and various buildings that seemed to be hidden from the public eye in every direction except the one from which I as viewing them.
Worried that my absense would be suspicious, I hopped the low fence and decided to go back to class. Sneaking along on the side of the houses, I again saw K looking stern. I immediatly fled back to the meadow, where I saw my brother, N, and my friend M. Telling them to turn around, we surveyed the various routes we could now take. We eventually got back to the theatre by going through a museum and ending up at the front of the theatre.
K was a bit confused why we appeared at the front of the theatre, but failing to have enough evidence to blame us for the large number of people in the forbidden room, she let us go.
N and I returned home, at which point we wandered into his room, which was mysteriously many stories up and overlooking the roof of MIT. Noticing a trap door on the roof, we decided to investigate, having learned nothing from our previous escapades. We dropped down into a small room. Various people wandered by, one of whom gave us a small tour.
The rest of the dream is fuzzy.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What's Up With my Trapdoor Obsession?

December 12, 2010

I was going upstairs to the booth for some play in a day, but some woman was following me, trying to find the bathroom. As I went up the stairs, the stairs split into two, and I told the women the bathroom was on the left most staircase, but it was very easy to take the wrong one. We continued up the stairs and I pointed out the bathroom, realizing I had never actually been inside. I decided to go in, because of curiosity, and I discovered a very strange room. I heard a small sound as though a door was being closed, and then I saw a trapdoor in the ceiling swing back and forth. Creeped out, I told the woman I was going to go investigate. I clambered up and discovered a small crawlspace area. It was too inconvienient to explore at that very moment, so I decided to crawl down. Just as I was about to, I noticed the passage connected to a trapdoor later on, and decided to find the other end.
I decided to go up the other staircase, and discovered a small removable part of the wall. I wanted to climb up and explore, but I was a bit too short. Eventually, with help from the women, I climbed up and discovered some various items that I had remembered having but couldn't remember where I put them. I decided it would be best to wait for my friends who i normally explored with, but as I was coming down I saw 3 guys on the step watching me. Though I only knew one of them, I told them what I was doing. They asked to come up, and since I didn't want to be rude, I let them. Soon, however, one of boys found a stash of props and tried to put them in a backpack to steal. I told him not to, and convinced his two friends to stop him. The boy picked up his friend, apparently named Calvin, threw him against a post and broke his neck. He then continued to steal things. The other boy, Simon (I don't know how I knew their names), and I were obviously worried by this. I started down the stairs to a balcony and started screaming for help. My mother, who was on stage, said "oh, that's heather's voice I hear", which made everyone on stage think I was joking. I looked up and saw Simon struggling with the other boy.
Then there was something where I went downstairs to find I had been given an acting role. Later, however, my friend came up to me and told me something about shadows, which related to my trapdoor experience and my acting role no longer being needed.
At this point, I woke up.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dreamity Dream

December 8, 2010

I was chasing after my friend Melanie, but I'm not really sure where she was going. She ran across a field and I followed her, until she ran past a muddy fence, at which point I stopped. I had the feeling that she was playing a game and I was following, without being included. Thus, when I stopped at the gate, I saw her behind some bushes laughing with someone, and feeling excluded, hid behind a nearby tree.
There was also something about having the key to a door, and wanting to figure out what was behind the door. I unlocked a small gold lock and opened the door. I then found myself in a library. I talked to the librarian, who was my boyfriend apparently, and then wandered off. Some girls going by whispered about how my boyfriend was having an affair with a student, which was weird b/c he was a student. He went over to them, to disprove it or something, and suddenly they both discovered a dead body. The body was the "girl" with which he was having an affair.