Sunday, March 20, 2011

Random Dreamity Dream

I was somewhere, meeting a new person. We talked about various things, mainly idle chatter, and then we went our separate ways. Later, I overheard him talking to other people, asking them why I looked so depressed. He seemed confused, saying I seemed rather normal and I was fairly good looking, and thus couldn't understand what was wrong with me. The people he was talking to had some strange explanation, which I found amusing at the time, because they were completely wrong.
At a different point, I was walking through the auto shop, trying to find my friends. They were talking about car problems, so I went over to join them. Using three different calculators, I managed to make some sort of graph, which somehow solved the problem. My mother showed up with some brownies and told me she loved me, whilst I attempted to usher her out. Embarrassed, I went outside, where I saw the person I had been talking to in a swimming pool. I was mysteriously in swimming wear, so I hopped in the pool and swam over to him. We did some more chatting, and then I climbed out of the water. Looking back, I could see myself still talking to him (which I didn't find awkward), and then I saw that he and my other self were making out. Awkward, since it was both me and not me, I left to go find other people to talk to.
There was also something about instructing people in p.e. and some strange things where I walked through the halls, but I don't know what was going on.

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