Saturday, November 20, 2010

Secret Passageways and Location Troubles

November 20, 2010
I was at Paly (my high school) and was going to help with the play. For some reason, the building was set up very oddly. Upstairs were the seats, but they first passed by the booth, which looked over the seats to the stage. The booth had a set of benches in it, and it was very spacious. One wall of the booth had a wooden door, which opened to several flights of stairs. I went into the booth, but realized that my brother was doing my job for some reason. I wandered back out and sat with my parents, but soon realized I didn't want to watch the show with everyone else. I went into the booth and through the wooden door with some girl who I recognized in the dream but I can not recognize now that I am awake. We went down 3 flights of stairs till we got to a dirty, thin, wooden passageway. I saw a rat go past my foot, which was mysteriously lacking a shoe. I continued through the passage, aware that I was not supposed to be there till I reached some stairs. I continued up them, with my mysterious friend behind me, until they ended. They opened up to a very large drop, which I failed to notice until I had already stepped off. I grabbed the wall and proceeded to awkwardly dangle. I saw a small ledge a few feet away and stretched out my foot to reach it, whilst simultaneously looking down. Below me was a table, which I hurriedly jumped on to, as well as some various desks.
Once down, I appeared to be inside the tower building of my high school (basically the office area, for those of you who are not my brother), though it had a small conference room to the side. A man saw me when i dropped down, but only told his comrades that I was volunteering to clean up and then sent me off to his office. Once out of view of all the conference people. I tried to get out of the building through a near by hallway. On my way out, I saw a creepy looking set of doors that were about mid-way up the wall. My friend, who had turned into 3 other people, whispered to me that the door was where "the rules are gone but the passage way continues" which is really creepy in retrospect. At the time, it seemed a perfectly normal thing to say, despite the fact that it was nowhere near the other tunnel.
After getting out of the building, I looked behind me and I appeared to be walking out of a building that was in San Jose on the Standford campus, which, again, made sense at the time. i checked the time, realized the play was almost over, and ran back to Paly, which was suddenly in the middle of the campus.

There was also something about running through grass.

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