Monday, February 28, 2011

Myself and I

February 28, 2011
I was chasing after a girl, down a long winding passage with very little light. Eventually I caught her and grabbed her arm. She turned towards me, and I realized she was me. Confused, I watched as our actions mirrored each other. There was also some stuff that seemed extremely deep at the time but now just seem silly.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I. Need. Sleep.

February 26, 2011
I was observing my parents talk to my history teacher. For some reason I was dressed very strangely and was sitting at a desk being rude and sarcastic to people. My parents were having a discussion in hushed tones, discussing my recent attitude change and telling my teacher all about my math grades. I looked to my right and I saw a mournful looking girl, standing in jeans and a t-shirt, wind blowing her hair back dramatically. She had dark brown hair but apparently I recognized her as me, but with brown hair. I stood up, and she stared me straight in the eyes and told me "it's time Heather. We can't delay any longer." I nodded, but looked down and whispered "I should have told them. I never wanted it to be this way. For them to see me like this." Again she nodded.
Soon, we had somehow progressed into a strange building, with the girl and I leading a group of people. At a large door, I stopped, and the girl went through. Everyone else mysteriously disappeared and I told her I couldn't go through the doors. She nodded, and explained that we had always known I wouldn't be able to go through, because of who we were. I suddenly got mad and started yelling that I could change my fate. She sighed, looked at me again, and then slammed the door, thus locking me out. I pounded on the door for awhile, but eventually gave up.
The next part of my dream I was in a park, digging a hole. I'm not sure why or how, but I do remember that I knew i was digging, even though I wasn't physically digging.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


February 22, 2011

I was walking across a park with a friend, trying to follow after two men, who were conversing with one another. My friend kept insisting that it wasn't safe and that i should obtain some sort of weapon, but I told her it was okay, that the man was giving me a job and would protect me. At the edge of the park were stone steps that went down, and the men in front beckoned to me and then went down. I told my friend not to worry, since at worst all that would happen would be that I would be sold as a sex slave. Apparently I was totally unconcerned with this, though my friend kept freaking out about it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Can Not Explain My Subconscious

February 8, 2011

My dream started in Carmel-By-The-Sea, a very small town next to the ocean. I was going downtown to get a meal with my brother, but most of the stores were closed. We decided to go to a burrito place. They were very busy, because they also sold tickets to compete in horse races. After some mild confusion about ordering, I found myself participating in one of these races.
For some reason, it didn't occur to me that this might be a bad idea. The system was fairly complex. First one had to sit on a ski lift and then jump on to the horse. After that, you had to run around 3 times. Somehow I mysteriously won this race and was allowed to leave.
Next, I was picked up by my Uncle and was driven to their house in the woods. I'm not really sure why, but the first thing I did was check my facebook. On it, it appeared someone had hacked in and changed my picture to some weird shot of me in a scandalous outfit. My cousin/brother, who appeared to be related to me in an unknown way, leaned over my shoulder, and I hurriedly tried to close the screen. Unfortunately, the window I had shrunk exposed another picture, this one of my relation's mother and that one shrunk to reveal a strange picture of my female relation. Thoroughly confused, I asked "how did those get there?" till I realized that all three of our accounts had been hacked.
Embarrassed, I went downstairs, down some rather nice white spiral wood stairs, into another part of the house. There, some women made me really uncomfortable and I freaked out and started to run. She chased me, caught me, and then started to hug me despite the fact that I was really uncomfortable and feeling inappropriately approached. I eventually curled into a ball and lay there sobbing, till she stopped trying to hug me.
Later, i saw my friend, and she tried to hug me (as friends will) but then saw me cringe. She laughed about it, thinking it was nothing, and tried to hug me again, but stopped when I fled. Chasing after me she asked me what was wrong, and I explained that my aunt had tried to hug me. (This apparently made sense at the time.)
Much later, I was in the Arctic with a different friend, and she was complaining about the taste of horse meat. We were starving, I think, so I yelled at her and told her we didn't have anything else, but she went and looked for fishing supplies instead.
Suddenly, I was in a park area, on some sort of race/treasure hunt. There were all these paths and rooms, and something about taking a short cut over the grass, but i don't remember.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


February 2, 2011
Somehow I was standing at the counter of a store with one of my friends, asking the person a question. My friend walked toward the back room and as I went to follow, the women said "she's not allowed". I quickly figured out that this was some sort of bar, so I convinced the person i wasn't going to do any drinking. She still refused to let me in, which aggravated my friend. My friend proceeded to yell at me for an embarrassingly long amount of time and then storm out.
There was also something about digging, but I can't remember what.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Cousins

February 2, 2011

I was in a car somewhere, driving past some older buildings. Suddenly, I saw a smoke trail coming from one of the nearby buildings. It appeared that a factory was on fire. Soon, the fire spread and people were running away quickly. I had been driving the car and I stopped, unsure of what to do. At that moment, however, a water main exploded inside of a building, sending water everywhere. My family and I jumped out of the car, but then moments later realized we could drive away to a safer point, and we piled back in. We then drove around back of the building.
Somehow, we ended up at some cousin's house. I was standing around awkwardly, telling them about the adventure. They showed me my room, and I went inside to investigate.
It appears I had fallen asleep in the dream, for when I woke up inside the dream, I decided to investigate the cousin's house. There were all these random people who were milling around, and it was very confusing. I eventually found my brother, and there was something about going to school, but i'm not sure what was happening