Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Family is Weird

January 22, 2011
I was walking down a road in the rain, trying to find my friend, M, who was giving me a ride home. I saw M in a nearby parking lot, under a tree, and she threw me the keys because she wanted to stay dry. I tried to catch them, but she threw them through the air without much accuracy, and they started to slide down the middle of the parking lot. In a desperate attempt to catch them, I lunged, tripping and falling on my face in the process. Then, to make matters worse, it started to rain heavily.
Later, I was watching my aunt rip everything I owned in half. Confused, and apparently still wet from the rain, I went outside feeling depressed. I started to stroll down the road a bit, looking down with my hands in my pockets the whole time. I hadn't noticed that my friend M had come out of her house and was looking at me. She looked quizical and asked someone (who neither 'me' nor my dream view could see) "will her family ever be normal?", to which the someone replied "no, they never can be". He/She replied as though making a sad prophecy of some sort, and M nodded slightly.

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