Tuesday, December 29, 2009


December 29th, 2009

I had a dream in which I was the same as another person. I was walking on the beach after some sort of practice, and I was running rather quickly, but then the other person was there too. I was telling her that we were the same by telling her facts about both of us. After awhile she was amazed and we determined that "we may be different but we are the same person on the inside" which I then caused me to nod in reply. There was also some part about needing to borrow a cellphone and some part which was dramatic at the end involving people not knowing my name, and someone with a shopping cart.

I've always wanted a twin...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Decmber 23, 2009

There was this part where we were camping and I got mad at my friend Sarah for spraying me with water. Then, when she got mad at me for stepping on her towel, I didn't really understand her anger and was annoyed back. She stormed off, and I was really mad. I was explaining my woes to someone else (an unknown camper), and I said that "this was why I never had friends who were girls because girls are stupid".
Another part of my dream involved me in a Lord of the Flies setting. I was with some other people and we decided to run away to find adventure. We jumped off of something but we only got to the shore of the ocean. Then we decided to run away on the beach toward rocks and so we ran for awhile. Then we got to this part of the rock that required climbing and we kinda split up. And then as we climbed we started getting mad at eachother. I was getting to the top of the mountain and then 'simon' got mad at me and tried to pull me down. Eventually we were found by dad and then everything was okay.

I wonder what it would be like to run away.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Lord of the Rings

December 21, 2009

I was in a sort of Lord Of The Rings setting, as in I was holding a sword and I found the ring and stuff. There was this part where I was ducking down through places and trying not to be caught. I had a map of this house and so was able to manuever around easily. There was this part when I was on a mountain and we realized that there were goblins nearby. Then we realized that the place where we were was a goblin. This was where I got the ring
Also, there was this part where I heroicly saved some people from raiders, and where (after wounding a person greatly) I put them out of their misery. My entire dream was rather violent and exciting.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


December 20, 2009

I was on some sort of trip and running away from some sort of raider party or something. At one point we got to a lake and there was a big conflict and it was all very confusing.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


December 19, 2009

I dreamed I was buying a dog and it was because I had found a lost cat in the street. When I bought it, it had to be fed like a spore creature and it was very confusing.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


December 16, 2009

Part of my dream included a creepy magical two headed person
Part of it was about farmville and havesting things.
One part was about Spanish class and my spanish teacher telling us to not go on facebook. There was also an annoying boy who kept trying to look at my computer screen and wouldn't leave.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


December 15, 2009

I was this boy in some town, and my parents told me we were leaving, so when I was packing up, I went to say goodbye to this girl. She had this boyfriend who the jealous type so when he saw me, he started getting mad and beating her up. I then ran away
There was this disjointed bit about going past wild ponies and how wrens ruffle their feathers when they lay eggs, but im not really sure about what happened.

I'm not actually a boy. so this dream was weird.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


December 12, 2009

I was in some sort of wilderness and mom and I were both trying to survive and so we kept walking on and on till we found a road. Then we stayed at some person's house for awhile and got better
Then I was again in the wilderness only this time with other people and this guy in a cloak attacked with a sword and nobody was prepared but somehow we all survived. Then we knew we had to split up the supplies so we each got a few and then I woke up

When ever i dream of myself, i never see my face. When i do see "my" face, it is always someone else, never my own.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


November 14, 2009 10:25AM

I had this dream that I was some sort of special person and that I got messages from stuff on my locker. There were these little blocks that were made by someone grandmother, and there was a long line of related people. My friend was there and he helped me and it was all very confusing. And then it was the end of the year and he was graduating, and it was very lonely for me, but I learned that others had the same powers as me, so I was helping train them.

I'm actually slightly worried for when my friend goes off to college, but i think there will still be ways of dealing with it. Like i did in that dream...

Monday, October 19, 2009


I think I play Sims 3 a bit too much. How is it possible that I DREAM about computer games?

October 19, 2009

There was some sort of competition I was in and it required me to impress these people. We all had to have pretend babies and then it turned into sims and I clicked "joke about marriage" and then I was married.
There was also this part where I had remodeled the house and people came over and told me how much they loved it

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Theatre and Camping

October 18, 2009

I was props for some play and I kept forgetting to give the people the correct props. There was some part with a river where it was becoming dirty and only parts of it were still clean. And there was also something about a bear getting into the fridge while mom, dad, and I were camping.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chase Dream

October 17, 2009

I was dreaming that I was going to all these different places via strange pits. In some parts there were super powers where I was helped. There was a giant vortex in the floor that I jumped through and then I was in a courtyard trying to escape being seen. A boy granted my wish and I was able to flee.
I was next on a beach and there was again the same boy and we were speaking Spanish and going over these rocks. I was trying to understand Spanish, but it was difficult. There was also something about making tiles and eating ice cream.

This was one of my coolest dreams i have had in a long time. But it looks really lame in words.

Friday, October 16, 2009


October 16, 2009

I had this dream that I was on the show ANTM with my skating friends. There were all these strange challenge with iceskating going on, and there were people who were making a lot of noise on the roof. It was confusing.

While it is true that I dreamed this dream a very long time ago, i still remember it well when i read those words...

Thursday, October 15, 2009


October 15, 2009
There was something in my dream about taxes.
Then, the other part had people in it and we talking about something not very important. today I fail to remember.

When I dream about reality, i never remember it. Only when i dream about things that do not actually happen do i recall them. hmm.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


September 26, 2009

I had a dream I was hiking and random camp people were there. We were going down a river roger to elkhorn slough when suddenly we cane across this cool tide pool part which had lion fish in it. Then we were hanging on chords above the ground and I had dropped an I'd card so I had someone on the ground pick it up because "it was an okay thing to drop it because it was her id. Uhh" but everyone thought I said "idea" and were confused. Then we ziplined down the mountain and nick was holding on to my hammock that I was in, and I told him to cut it out.
Then I was standing with my parents and brothers and were camping. We hiked down a mountain, but the path was steep so I lost my footing and fell. When I got back up my brother were ahead, but my parents had waited for me. My dad saw a "leaking loon" and went to take a shot at it, because apparently were moldy and caused disease. It was actually a deer with scratches on his face. Then, we were rescuing the deer and my Ice Skating Instructor (who had turned up somehow). I kept falling into the brush alongside the path, and generally causing mayhem. We walked to camp and there were these people fishing, and a bunch of bears that the rangers were trying to keep out of the camp
Then I woke up at 10:40 AM because today is Saturday, and I have a four day weekend. I am in Carmel.

Am I always that stupid in dreams? Why is everything so confusing?

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Again, I shall state the purpose of this blog. I know that my dreams are bizarre, but if there is some pattern to them that can possibly be seen, maybe I can find out a pattern to my own life.

August 16, 2009

I had a dream that some guy was over at my house and he was looking at my computer and all these embarrasing things were coming up and I kept trying to close them.

Then I was in New Orleans, Louisiana and it was flooding so Nick
(my brother) and I and some other people got into a weird flying boat thing and then we were able to survive the flooding. Mom was there and told us to come back home.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Magical Stone

I've decided to record all dreams I remember. i'm hoping that by puzzling over my dreams, I can somehow sort out my life.

August 15, 2009

I dreamed that I was in a swimming competition, and I had some sort of magic stone that made me do extra well and go super fast. For some reason I was not really swimming, but actually just running. I did super well and everyone was really proud. Early i had forgotten my swimsuit and was watching other people bring me stuff and other people tell me to take off my socks, but I couldn't get one off in time. When I was actually running there were all these cars and trucks and it didn't make any sense.

Another dream was part of the same type of magic power thing, and I was out on a balcony and some people were playing catch or something and I ran really fast and had fabulous aim. But I tried to share the power, but then neither me nor emily were able to do super well. I saw some people I knew, like ansha, who was dressed in a red skirt and looking all happy. I told her something about her looking the way she did before, but I don't remember what she said

At one point I was in class and we were putting tuna into these boxes and I used my strange glowing stone to do well. We finished first, but then I missed one tuna package and had some sort of conversation with the teacher that was not very nice to her. I mentioned something about being annoying to teachers or something and she agreed.

These may start from awhile ago, but I'll soon be recent.