Monday, May 31, 2010

Disjoined Reality

May 31, 2010

My dream started with me setting up for a performance in the theatre. Something about a bird getting loose in the theatre happened, and then I was trying to catch the bird
After that I was sitting on a bench or a railing or something and talking about camp. A man came along in a towel, for some reason or another, and then both of us were embarrassed for another unknown reason. We began walking next to each other, eventually uncovering the fact that this guy liked to talk. A lot. Eventually we came to a house and again my dream changed and I was sitting on a bed with some girl and apologizing. It was all rather nonsensical.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Alternate Realities

May 8, 2010
Somehow I was walking up a hill on a hiking trip and then I went off the path, and then returned because some little kid was in the way. There was something about my mom being killed and this guy talking about blood and salt, saying he got some salt which was bad. Then the guy was making other people do things because he was so mad about the blood/salt thing (I think this related to my mother's death). There was some point later when he was reliving the point of pain or something, and then there were things about computer screens and heroic deeds and stuff.
Anyway, eventually I met these young girls and two boys and we did something to get out of the alternate universe we were in, which resulted in them growing up in front of my eyes.
When I returned from the land where my mother was gone, I was older, but I had not lived those years during which I had been gone from my home town, since those years had been spent in an alternate reality. My home was falling apart when I got there, and everything was different. All the monkey bar slats were connected by ivy and age, which was very bizarre. I saw my mother, and mentioned the monkey bar slats, but since she had remained in this world even while I was in the other one, she did not find it weird. People were using my house lot for subsistence farming and using the playground for a preschool playground. When my friend and I walked around, we saw my mother and some people I had known a long time before, all of whom thought I had either died or disappeared (run away). There was some attack at some point but I was able to defend myself using karate moves or something. There was also mention of my family getting a dog.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lord Of the Ringsesque

May 2, 2010
I had this dream that I was at some class and there was this professor who was surrounded by cheerleaders and some how got attacked by them. Then some character from a t.v. Series was there and she was trying to help me. There was a part when she was sitting on a log and I noticed that under the log there was a woman.
Then there was large sequence of towns that i traveled to in search of safety. Some of the towns were very grand, looking more like ancient Rome than actual towns.
At one point I was holding a ring and people were chasing after me. I climbed up a building wall and found myself with the cheerleaders again

Though I can not remember this dream in full, there is something about it that feels like it is important and has some realistic relavance.