Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dreams Within Dreams

April 28, 2010
I had this dream that this person in my Spanish class was some how related to me, and as I was walking along I saw my dad teaching her to drive. I stopped him and complained that I should have taught me first, but they both sort of shrugged. I walked off and was thinking strange thoughts consisting of inconsistent facts. My mind seemed to be mad that she was taught first, because I was his daughter, so I should have been taught first. But if I was actually related to her, then it made sense because she was older. I'm not really sure if she was my sister or not.
Another part was in front of the theatre at school. It was confusing, but the basic story in that dream seemed to relate to getting publicly embarrased, telling other people about the dream above (in my dream the first dream was a dream, but my dream self thought the events of this dream were real), and following a scavenger hunt to get a hamster. It was all very confusing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


April 15, 2010

My dreams were very disjointed, partially because I am sick and so woke up multiple time in the night. The main theme was about being on airplane flights and having my baggae lost. Every time I would have to get it checked, they would somehow lose my luggage. There was this part about waiting in line and all the people in front of me had taken all the free items. There was also something about walking up and around in order to catch the plane because parts of the plane ticket filling out was under ground and the other parts were around the other side of a city block.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


April 11, 2010

I had a dream about being in a train and I got on the wrong train and wasn't supposed to be there and something about me muttering "heir actually" when someone mentioned some inheritence. The train that I got on by accident was for royalty, but as the need came up to explain myself, I mumbled the part about me being an heir. I was the heir of some king or ruler, or at least I told people I was. Then my friend, Person A, was all surprised. My friend, Person B, was there as well, but I don't remember what was going on. I believed it was related to the fact that neither A nor B knew I was royalty, and I had always thought A and B were poor.

Friday, April 2, 2010


April 2, 2010

Linea (a classmate of mine in real life) and I were neighbors and I said something about troubled times and she. Asked me what I would do if she was the last neighbor left and I yelled that "I would rather starve". Then there was this part with mr brigham (my old music teacher) and Whinnie (my real neighbor and random people at a block party and something about stale pieces of bread and a dirty yard. There was something about a play and acting, and something else about time portals. It was very confusing