Saturday, January 16, 2010


January 16, 2010 (dreams)

My dream was long and creepy in some parts.
One part I was in an old run down place sitting on a bench. For some reason my friend was there too, and he said something similar to "this will probably look weird to people walking by" and then we kissed. Then I was all like "that was awkward" and my friend kinda shrugged. Then someone blew up the old ruined place we were in but some guy pushed me away and saved my life. I looked for clues as to who was responsible but I couldn't figure it out. Then some other people moved in to the place (which had turned into a kinda of house for me) and various things happened.
There was some part when i was in a car and this guy was driving and then he turned and asked me out. I didn't really know him that well but I said yes.
There was some part about catching rabbits in the snow and then realizing that i had to leave the East Coast (where I mysteriously was). I sort of swung on vines of seaweed and clambered along rocks as my way of getting home.
The last few bits were about alligators in the water and other weird things like that.
At an earlier point, there was this great journey about getting somewhere and in the process there were various problems and something about ants and strange villages. It is mainly all a blur.

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