Sunday, August 16, 2009


Again, I shall state the purpose of this blog. I know that my dreams are bizarre, but if there is some pattern to them that can possibly be seen, maybe I can find out a pattern to my own life.

August 16, 2009

I had a dream that some guy was over at my house and he was looking at my computer and all these embarrasing things were coming up and I kept trying to close them.

Then I was in New Orleans, Louisiana and it was flooding so Nick
(my brother) and I and some other people got into a weird flying boat thing and then we were able to survive the flooding. Mom was there and told us to come back home.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Magical Stone

I've decided to record all dreams I remember. i'm hoping that by puzzling over my dreams, I can somehow sort out my life.

August 15, 2009

I dreamed that I was in a swimming competition, and I had some sort of magic stone that made me do extra well and go super fast. For some reason I was not really swimming, but actually just running. I did super well and everyone was really proud. Early i had forgotten my swimsuit and was watching other people bring me stuff and other people tell me to take off my socks, but I couldn't get one off in time. When I was actually running there were all these cars and trucks and it didn't make any sense.

Another dream was part of the same type of magic power thing, and I was out on a balcony and some people were playing catch or something and I ran really fast and had fabulous aim. But I tried to share the power, but then neither me nor emily were able to do super well. I saw some people I knew, like ansha, who was dressed in a red skirt and looking all happy. I told her something about her looking the way she did before, but I don't remember what she said

At one point I was in class and we were putting tuna into these boxes and I used my strange glowing stone to do well. We finished first, but then I missed one tuna package and had some sort of conversation with the teacher that was not very nice to her. I mentioned something about being annoying to teachers or something and she agreed.

These may start from awhile ago, but I'll soon be recent.