Monday, July 25, 2011


July 25, 2011

I dreamed I was going white water rafting with some cousins, my immediate family, my theatre teacher, and the tech supervisor for my high school's stage tech class. We were trying to go down the river, but lots of people were fishing and swimming, so the going was slow. Eventually we got through the crowds, and ended up in a calm part of the water. We were all pretty tired, so we agreed to stop and camp for the night. My parents tried to sign in for the campsite, but the person at the rangers' station informed them that the site was full. Not to be deterred, the tech supervisor went back up and declared that because he was of Native American blood, we knew the truth of the campsite. According to him, the camp name used to mean "all people", until the rangers renamed it. Under this strange logic, he demanded that we get a campsite, and too confused/timid to dispute this faulty logic, the guy gave us a site.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dreams Are Strange

June 25, 2011

There were multiple parts to my dream.

In the first part, I was in my room on my bed while a random girl was looking for some sort of letter in a pile next to my bed. She suddenly stood up, gasped, hugged me and went "Oh heather", in a very sad and sympathetic way. Confused by her embrase, I sort of awkwardly hugged her back and asked her what it was. She responded by showing me a small bag of white pills, which she had found under the letter she was looking for. I automatically knew they were drugs, specifically illegal drugs, even though they just looked like pills. I tried to tell her that they were not mine but my brother's, but she refused to listen to my pleas.

In a second part, I was wandering around in a park it seemed, jumping around and generally not getting all that much done. My brother seemed to be there with me, and we investigated a nearby building, which seemed to be some sort of gondola that was out of commission. While my brother went off to walk down a different path, I decided to try to explore the gondola, but once i got on it, it started moving without controls. Concerned, I tried to jump off, but I was restricted by a bar at about waist height. Eventually I was able to hop off, only to find that my brother was nowhere in sight. I wandered into a nearby church, hoping to find my parents or someone I knew, but the church was crowded with people eating large bagels, and I was unable to find anyone.

In the last section of my dream, my mother was measuring out dog houses, trying to determine what size she needed to buy when she next went to the store. I asked her if she needed any assistance, but she claimed she had things under control. Then, out of nowhere, she asked if I want a new phone, Surprised, I said I did, but I was unaware that we had the money for such things. She then asked if I wanted to go with her to pick out a new car, and proceeded to show me a large number of possible models we could choose from. The models that she showed me were really poorly sketched doodles on a thin sheet of cardboard, but both of us were reacting to them as though we were impressed with the models.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Spend Too Much Time in the Theatre

June 19, 2011

First I was in a car, trying to push something heavy up a hill, but nobody was helping me. Whatever the heavy thing was, I needed to get rid of it quickly, so I borrowed someone's truck to try and ram the object up the hill, but it wasn't working at all.

Next, I was in the theatre, talking with people who were coming and going. Like all dreams, I wasn't sure how I got there or what I was doing before, but, as always, it didn't really bother my dream self. I was up in the lighting booth, talking with someone, when my employer told me the stage looked a little dim. Confused, I looked at the lighting levels and everything seemed to be in fairly normal order. I looked at the stage and realized everything looked off, so I decided to look at the actual lights and see if maybe one of them had slipped or something. When I looked at where the lights should have been, it appeared as though there was nothing but ceiling, and all the lights had disappeared, as well as the railing from which they should have hung. I went downstairs to try and find someone who could help me figure out where the lights had gone, but when I got down stairs, everyone was digging up the stage, as in literally tearing it apart. For some reason, there was also a man hanging new lights in strange areas all over the stage. I went to talk to him, to ask him which lights were acceptable to refocus for my own purposes. He sort of looked surprised and said that he needed all of them exactly where they were. I informed him that I needed to have my own lights up for the next day, because apparently it was tuesday and I needed to use them for a show on wednesday, thursday, and friday.
Somehow I ended up talking to a girl who was wandering around helping, and she informed me about changing shape and also something about driving a car. It was all a bit confusing, because it was half realistic and half magical, and I also sort of knew I was asleep.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Skating on Stage

June 17, 2011

I dreamed I was on the stage of the Haymarket Theatre, having an iceskating competition. Everyone else was wearing leotards, but I seemed to be wearing long flowy pants that just got in the way. When it was my turn, I executed two moves perfectly, but then it was time to do the axel and I sort of freaked out. I mentioned I had never done one before, not even in practice, but nobody else seemed to care very much. I then tried to do one, but I got too dizzy and the stage started spinning, so I sort of lept off the stage in a miraculously graceful maneuver and bounded out the door. Once outside, I sprinted away from the theatre embarrassed and ashamed of my attempt. There seemed to be some sort of graduation going on, so I doubled back in order to hide from the crowd and ran into a large office building. In the office building, I slowed down, which proved to be a bad move, as my librarian and brother both caught up with me. We sort of strolled out of the office in the opposite direction of the theatre, and nobody mentioned my fleeing. My mother joined us at some point and made a mention of how this was what happened when people ran off the stage, but it didn't really make much sense, because it wasn't like any consequences had come about because of my actions.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm Mentally Sane I Promise

May 15, 2011

I was in some sort of library, and people dressed in elaborate choir outfits were performing a play that involved them walking around the entire library, as though it were a reenactment, rather than a story with a plot. I came in with a group of people but soon found myself on my own, sitting at a table, watching some people perform some lines. I started talking to an actor, and followed them through a door, distancing myself from the group even farther.
Next, I was in some sort of building which had many floors, but seemed to only have stairs that went up to the 4th floor and then stopped. After the 4th floor I climbed out the window and scrambled up to the next floor. The building was falling apart and had broken bits of furniture everywhere. I was with some guy who I knew, but I'm not sure how. We were being monitored by a lady with brown hair with high heels, a suit, and sunglasses on. We were unable to find whatever it was we were supposed to be looking for, so we returned to the lady, who ushered us out impatiently and forced us into a car. The car took us back to the library, except it was similar to a prison.
There was a lot of lava everywhere, and I was running past broken furniture and shattered glass, desperately trying to find my way out. At one point I was frantically searching for a certain rune, attempting to present it to my captor, but I was unsuccessful. The lady showed up and proceeded to slap me and push me through a doorway. Struggling and fighting were not working very well, and the women was poking me with a stick or something, which kept making me cringe and struggle more. This went on for awhile as we went through many rooms, some with children, and one with my parents. My parents waved, smiled, and resumed watching some sort of film telling me to "try to keep the volume down."
At some point, we passed a dark corridor and I broke free and ran down it. The walls were smooth and polished, and everything was pitch black. I reached the end and was surprised to find a room which held something that upset me emotionally. Unfortunately, and inconveniently, my view had switched from first person to third person so I was watching myself react rather than seeing the actual object. Whatever it was, it upset me greatly and I sank to my knees, sobbing. The lady caught up with me, and I raised my head and whispered "it can't be. Please, no!" The lady responded by hitting me over the head with a crowbar, and I sank into unconsciousness. The women picked me up, almost gently, and carried me back down the corridor, leaving my third person staring at a dark room.
My third person self turned and looked out a window for awhile and then got distracted with something about beetles and deer.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

This is What the SAT Has Done to Me

May 7, 2011

I was sneaking around in some small, dirty space. It appeared to be my attic. I was in the process of unpacking boxes when my mother called me. I removed some floor boards (which were in the attic?) and climbed down, at which point she told me my friend was coming over. Confused, I went to the front door, but when I opened the door nobody was there.
I then decided to walk down the street. I saw my neighbor and waved at them, but all they did was give me a strange look. I looked down and I was wearing an army uniform and walking barefoot. Embarrassed, I tried to go back in my house, but the street and my house had disappeared.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Posting is a Bit Delayed

April 2,2011
I was in a car with Felicity. She was driving, but it was a really bad idea because it was my car and it was dark and raining outside. I suggested we change drivers, so she backed up down the street till a corner and we switched drivers.
Somehow, on my way to where ever i was going, she turned into Kathryn, who suggested we go to the baylands. This seemed like a good idea except I was really tired and having trouble staying in my lane. We decided to stop for some food along the way. When we got food I realized it was 1 am, so I told kathryn that we should get out of there because it was after curfew, I couldn't legally drive her, and I didn't feel safe. She proceeded to start smoking weed which freaked me out. I demanded we go home right then. She grudgingly got in the car, but then our car had trouble. A nearby cop came by to help us, and I realized how screwed up my position was. The cop then proceeded to try and arrest me for my many violations, at which point I broke down sobbing.
There was also something else pertaining to school and the theatre but I no longer remember.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


March 31, 2011

My friends A and G were in my house, more specifically my room, asking if it was a good time to open presents. I told them that I needed to get changed but yes, now was a good time. I then proceeded to get changed whilst strolling through the house. When I got to the hall, with G and A still trailing me, our bathroom seemed to have been moved to in front of our front door. Annoyed, and more than a little confused, I tried to use the bathroom but a bunch of people wandered by, and the bathroom just seemed to be a freestanding toilet, so I was awkward.
I then decided to change my shirt in the midst of this mess, which was strange because I had no reason to. As I did so, I noticed my ribs were sticking out strangely. So did A and G, which led to a strange conversation about weight.
Then we were at my high school, and I didn't really want to be there, but it seemed we were waiting for some sort of wedding.
There was also a point at which it rained and I pressed the gate button whilst shouting "llorar" which stopped the rain (why I was shouting "Cry" to stop the rain, I'll never know)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Random Dreamity Dream

I was somewhere, meeting a new person. We talked about various things, mainly idle chatter, and then we went our separate ways. Later, I overheard him talking to other people, asking them why I looked so depressed. He seemed confused, saying I seemed rather normal and I was fairly good looking, and thus couldn't understand what was wrong with me. The people he was talking to had some strange explanation, which I found amusing at the time, because they were completely wrong.
At a different point, I was walking through the auto shop, trying to find my friends. They were talking about car problems, so I went over to join them. Using three different calculators, I managed to make some sort of graph, which somehow solved the problem. My mother showed up with some brownies and told me she loved me, whilst I attempted to usher her out. Embarrassed, I went outside, where I saw the person I had been talking to in a swimming pool. I was mysteriously in swimming wear, so I hopped in the pool and swam over to him. We did some more chatting, and then I climbed out of the water. Looking back, I could see myself still talking to him (which I didn't find awkward), and then I saw that he and my other self were making out. Awkward, since it was both me and not me, I left to go find other people to talk to.
There was also something about instructing people in p.e. and some strange things where I walked through the halls, but I don't know what was going on.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Sunday March 13, 2011
I was standing on a very rickety bridge, or perhaps a pier, looking out over the ocean. I was with other people, who i never saw but who were theoretically behind me, and I think we were at some sort of aquarium.
I walked out to the edge of the structure, when suddenly an earthquake/wave/strong wind occurred. I was swept around and fell off of the structure. I was expecting to fall into water immediately, but I didn't. I fell for a long time, till I was fairly confused. I curled into a ball in mid air and waited to hit the water. I knew I was in the air because I could breathe, but I didn't open my eyes, so I didn't know how far the water was. I felt a sharp pain in my legs and suddenly I knew I was in the water and being pulled in different directions. I floundered around, trying to find the surface of the water, but I seemed to be under the bridge. Eventually, I found the water and I heaved myself over the edge of the bridge.
At this point, I saw myself get out of the water, rather than actually being me. I knew I was looking at myself, but somehow I was both inside and outside my body.
There was also something about an otter exhibit and tracks in the mud, but i can't remember what was going on.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


March 2, 2011
I was at stage tech, doing work, when the teacher came up to me and said someone wanted to talk to me. I went to the lobby and this random women was sitting there with 5 other students, saying "We want to talk to you!" Slightly creeped out, I asked her what was going on. She never explained, but as far as I could tell, she was making a documentary about my life, and the other people were sitting around to make me less awkward. She proceeded to ask me lots of personal questions. I was really confused, but I answered her questions for a long time.
Eventually, she shook my hand and said we would continue another day. All the students came and congratulated me, but I never got a chance to ask what it was that I had that made my life so interesting.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Myself and I

February 28, 2011
I was chasing after a girl, down a long winding passage with very little light. Eventually I caught her and grabbed her arm. She turned towards me, and I realized she was me. Confused, I watched as our actions mirrored each other. There was also some stuff that seemed extremely deep at the time but now just seem silly.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I. Need. Sleep.

February 26, 2011
I was observing my parents talk to my history teacher. For some reason I was dressed very strangely and was sitting at a desk being rude and sarcastic to people. My parents were having a discussion in hushed tones, discussing my recent attitude change and telling my teacher all about my math grades. I looked to my right and I saw a mournful looking girl, standing in jeans and a t-shirt, wind blowing her hair back dramatically. She had dark brown hair but apparently I recognized her as me, but with brown hair. I stood up, and she stared me straight in the eyes and told me "it's time Heather. We can't delay any longer." I nodded, but looked down and whispered "I should have told them. I never wanted it to be this way. For them to see me like this." Again she nodded.
Soon, we had somehow progressed into a strange building, with the girl and I leading a group of people. At a large door, I stopped, and the girl went through. Everyone else mysteriously disappeared and I told her I couldn't go through the doors. She nodded, and explained that we had always known I wouldn't be able to go through, because of who we were. I suddenly got mad and started yelling that I could change my fate. She sighed, looked at me again, and then slammed the door, thus locking me out. I pounded on the door for awhile, but eventually gave up.
The next part of my dream I was in a park, digging a hole. I'm not sure why or how, but I do remember that I knew i was digging, even though I wasn't physically digging.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


February 22, 2011

I was walking across a park with a friend, trying to follow after two men, who were conversing with one another. My friend kept insisting that it wasn't safe and that i should obtain some sort of weapon, but I told her it was okay, that the man was giving me a job and would protect me. At the edge of the park were stone steps that went down, and the men in front beckoned to me and then went down. I told my friend not to worry, since at worst all that would happen would be that I would be sold as a sex slave. Apparently I was totally unconcerned with this, though my friend kept freaking out about it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Can Not Explain My Subconscious

February 8, 2011

My dream started in Carmel-By-The-Sea, a very small town next to the ocean. I was going downtown to get a meal with my brother, but most of the stores were closed. We decided to go to a burrito place. They were very busy, because they also sold tickets to compete in horse races. After some mild confusion about ordering, I found myself participating in one of these races.
For some reason, it didn't occur to me that this might be a bad idea. The system was fairly complex. First one had to sit on a ski lift and then jump on to the horse. After that, you had to run around 3 times. Somehow I mysteriously won this race and was allowed to leave.
Next, I was picked up by my Uncle and was driven to their house in the woods. I'm not really sure why, but the first thing I did was check my facebook. On it, it appeared someone had hacked in and changed my picture to some weird shot of me in a scandalous outfit. My cousin/brother, who appeared to be related to me in an unknown way, leaned over my shoulder, and I hurriedly tried to close the screen. Unfortunately, the window I had shrunk exposed another picture, this one of my relation's mother and that one shrunk to reveal a strange picture of my female relation. Thoroughly confused, I asked "how did those get there?" till I realized that all three of our accounts had been hacked.
Embarrassed, I went downstairs, down some rather nice white spiral wood stairs, into another part of the house. There, some women made me really uncomfortable and I freaked out and started to run. She chased me, caught me, and then started to hug me despite the fact that I was really uncomfortable and feeling inappropriately approached. I eventually curled into a ball and lay there sobbing, till she stopped trying to hug me.
Later, i saw my friend, and she tried to hug me (as friends will) but then saw me cringe. She laughed about it, thinking it was nothing, and tried to hug me again, but stopped when I fled. Chasing after me she asked me what was wrong, and I explained that my aunt had tried to hug me. (This apparently made sense at the time.)
Much later, I was in the Arctic with a different friend, and she was complaining about the taste of horse meat. We were starving, I think, so I yelled at her and told her we didn't have anything else, but she went and looked for fishing supplies instead.
Suddenly, I was in a park area, on some sort of race/treasure hunt. There were all these paths and rooms, and something about taking a short cut over the grass, but i don't remember.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


February 2, 2011
Somehow I was standing at the counter of a store with one of my friends, asking the person a question. My friend walked toward the back room and as I went to follow, the women said "she's not allowed". I quickly figured out that this was some sort of bar, so I convinced the person i wasn't going to do any drinking. She still refused to let me in, which aggravated my friend. My friend proceeded to yell at me for an embarrassingly long amount of time and then storm out.
There was also something about digging, but I can't remember what.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Cousins

February 2, 2011

I was in a car somewhere, driving past some older buildings. Suddenly, I saw a smoke trail coming from one of the nearby buildings. It appeared that a factory was on fire. Soon, the fire spread and people were running away quickly. I had been driving the car and I stopped, unsure of what to do. At that moment, however, a water main exploded inside of a building, sending water everywhere. My family and I jumped out of the car, but then moments later realized we could drive away to a safer point, and we piled back in. We then drove around back of the building.
Somehow, we ended up at some cousin's house. I was standing around awkwardly, telling them about the adventure. They showed me my room, and I went inside to investigate.
It appears I had fallen asleep in the dream, for when I woke up inside the dream, I decided to investigate the cousin's house. There were all these random people who were milling around, and it was very confusing. I eventually found my brother, and there was something about going to school, but i'm not sure what was happening

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Well, This is Confusing

January 30, 2011
I was in class somewhere, and my teacher was standing near my desk passing back papers. Suddenly, he stood up and proposed to me. Mysteriously, I said yes, and he looked very happy. Later, however, I realized how dumb an idea it was to decide to marry my teacher, and I proceeded to try and think of ways out of the problem. My possible solutions included telling him I was gay, running away from home, and telling him I already had a boyfriend. Apparently, my dream self did not seem to think that TELLING HIM I DIDN'T WANT TO MARRY HIM was a feasible option. I proceeded to think over my options and talk to my friend, A, about the situation to see if she could help.
When I reached her, she was both my teacher and my friend. It was odd, and more than a little confusing, but I proceeded to have a conversation with her about herself, except not the friend part of her. After the conversation, she turned into her teacher side (only she looked female but was actually male? It was very confusing) and told me she was glad I was marrying her. It was too confusing for me, and I just nodded and then ran out of the building.
Much later, I was walking in an unknown place, along an older dirt path. On either side of me were green fields, and straight ahead was a short wooden gate. Up ahead, I saw a person I knew, a girl name B. I ran up to her, for she was standing on the path almost waiting for me, and asked her to help me make it through "the levels". She was wearing a great deal of makeup, and all black clothing, and I stopped short, for she had normally been the kind of girl to wear normal things. I again asked her to help me, but she laughed and told me I would have to figure them out on my own. She then proceeded to walk away, despite my best efforts to stop her. Crying slightly, I ran up the path till I came to a world of bright neon colors. This part of my dream was confusing, and not especially memorable, but there were bright flashes of color everywhere, and loud sounds, and something about storks that could jump 50 ft in the air.
After what seemed like a very long time, I was returned to earth, by the math building at my school. When I was on earth, something about the world I had come from was bothering me, and I was very pale. Seeing B again, I asked her why she didn't tell me. Quietly, she told me I had to figure it out on my own. Somehow, my dream self connected all this to the part where I was marrying my teacher, and I ran to find my teacher, to tell him my answer to his proposal (which I had already accepted. But my dream self had forgotten that part)
When I found him, I told him I couldn't marry him. Confused, he asked me why not. I told him something, something that was personal and deep, and he nodded. I smiled, having released this unknown bit of information and finally having found my true self. He then wished me luck, telling me that he understood why I couldn't marry him.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Family is Weird

January 22, 2011
I was walking down a road in the rain, trying to find my friend, M, who was giving me a ride home. I saw M in a nearby parking lot, under a tree, and she threw me the keys because she wanted to stay dry. I tried to catch them, but she threw them through the air without much accuracy, and they started to slide down the middle of the parking lot. In a desperate attempt to catch them, I lunged, tripping and falling on my face in the process. Then, to make matters worse, it started to rain heavily.
Later, I was watching my aunt rip everything I owned in half. Confused, and apparently still wet from the rain, I went outside feeling depressed. I started to stroll down the road a bit, looking down with my hands in my pockets the whole time. I hadn't noticed that my friend M had come out of her house and was looking at me. She looked quizical and asked someone (who neither 'me' nor my dream view could see) "will her family ever be normal?", to which the someone replied "no, they never can be". He/She replied as though making a sad prophecy of some sort, and M nodded slightly.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My First Remembered Dream of the Year

January 17, 2011

I was in an attic of some building or possibly the basement. There was dust and rotting supports everywhere, and someone was explaining something to me. Soon, I noticed that spiders were literally all over the place. I also noticed they were crawling all over my body. Thorughly creeped and grossed out, I fled and tried to get them off me. I noticed there were also strange scorpian shaped black things on me which would occasionally spawn black spiders. I tried to remove these things but they were suctioned on to my skin.

Later, I was in a house that I was not supposed to be in. It appeared to be the kind of house with house tours, and suddenly I heard someone come in. Unfortunatly, my hiding spot was very obvious and they discovered me, which was really awkward for me.

Even later, I was in the sound booth of the theatre trying to run mics, but for some reason I had plugged the antennas in incorrectly and there was a loud keening sound and a bright flash. Whilst blinded, I tried to plug in the antennas in the right spot and eventually succeeded. I then had to run them through the lighting board. For some reason, we then had to pause because an actor needed to know how to act like a scared little kid.

In a brief 4th section of my dream, I was hiding and watching kidnappers take my friends.