Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm Mentally Sane I Promise

May 15, 2011

I was in some sort of library, and people dressed in elaborate choir outfits were performing a play that involved them walking around the entire library, as though it were a reenactment, rather than a story with a plot. I came in with a group of people but soon found myself on my own, sitting at a table, watching some people perform some lines. I started talking to an actor, and followed them through a door, distancing myself from the group even farther.
Next, I was in some sort of building which had many floors, but seemed to only have stairs that went up to the 4th floor and then stopped. After the 4th floor I climbed out the window and scrambled up to the next floor. The building was falling apart and had broken bits of furniture everywhere. I was with some guy who I knew, but I'm not sure how. We were being monitored by a lady with brown hair with high heels, a suit, and sunglasses on. We were unable to find whatever it was we were supposed to be looking for, so we returned to the lady, who ushered us out impatiently and forced us into a car. The car took us back to the library, except it was similar to a prison.
There was a lot of lava everywhere, and I was running past broken furniture and shattered glass, desperately trying to find my way out. At one point I was frantically searching for a certain rune, attempting to present it to my captor, but I was unsuccessful. The lady showed up and proceeded to slap me and push me through a doorway. Struggling and fighting were not working very well, and the women was poking me with a stick or something, which kept making me cringe and struggle more. This went on for awhile as we went through many rooms, some with children, and one with my parents. My parents waved, smiled, and resumed watching some sort of film telling me to "try to keep the volume down."
At some point, we passed a dark corridor and I broke free and ran down it. The walls were smooth and polished, and everything was pitch black. I reached the end and was surprised to find a room which held something that upset me emotionally. Unfortunately, and inconveniently, my view had switched from first person to third person so I was watching myself react rather than seeing the actual object. Whatever it was, it upset me greatly and I sank to my knees, sobbing. The lady caught up with me, and I raised my head and whispered "it can't be. Please, no!" The lady responded by hitting me over the head with a crowbar, and I sank into unconsciousness. The women picked me up, almost gently, and carried me back down the corridor, leaving my third person staring at a dark room.
My third person self turned and looked out a window for awhile and then got distracted with something about beetles and deer.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

This is What the SAT Has Done to Me

May 7, 2011

I was sneaking around in some small, dirty space. It appeared to be my attic. I was in the process of unpacking boxes when my mother called me. I removed some floor boards (which were in the attic?) and climbed down, at which point she told me my friend was coming over. Confused, I went to the front door, but when I opened the door nobody was there.
I then decided to walk down the street. I saw my neighbor and waved at them, but all they did was give me a strange look. I looked down and I was wearing an army uniform and walking barefoot. Embarrassed, I tried to go back in my house, but the street and my house had disappeared.