Monday, October 19, 2009


I think I play Sims 3 a bit too much. How is it possible that I DREAM about computer games?

October 19, 2009

There was some sort of competition I was in and it required me to impress these people. We all had to have pretend babies and then it turned into sims and I clicked "joke about marriage" and then I was married.
There was also this part where I had remodeled the house and people came over and told me how much they loved it

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Theatre and Camping

October 18, 2009

I was props for some play and I kept forgetting to give the people the correct props. There was some part with a river where it was becoming dirty and only parts of it were still clean. And there was also something about a bear getting into the fridge while mom, dad, and I were camping.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chase Dream

October 17, 2009

I was dreaming that I was going to all these different places via strange pits. In some parts there were super powers where I was helped. There was a giant vortex in the floor that I jumped through and then I was in a courtyard trying to escape being seen. A boy granted my wish and I was able to flee.
I was next on a beach and there was again the same boy and we were speaking Spanish and going over these rocks. I was trying to understand Spanish, but it was difficult. There was also something about making tiles and eating ice cream.

This was one of my coolest dreams i have had in a long time. But it looks really lame in words.

Friday, October 16, 2009


October 16, 2009

I had this dream that I was on the show ANTM with my skating friends. There were all these strange challenge with iceskating going on, and there were people who were making a lot of noise on the roof. It was confusing.

While it is true that I dreamed this dream a very long time ago, i still remember it well when i read those words...

Thursday, October 15, 2009


October 15, 2009
There was something in my dream about taxes.
Then, the other part had people in it and we talking about something not very important. today I fail to remember.

When I dream about reality, i never remember it. Only when i dream about things that do not actually happen do i recall them. hmm.