September 26, 2009
Then I was standing with my parents and brothers and were camping. We hiked down a mountain, but the path was steep so I lost my footing and fell. When I got back up my brother were ahead, but my parents had waited for me. My dad saw a "leaking loon" and went to take a shot at it, because apparently were moldy and caused disease. It was actually a deer with scratches on his face. Then, we were rescuing the deer and my Ice Skating Instructor (who had turned up somehow). I kept falling into the brush alongside the path, and generally causing mayhem. We walked to camp and there were these people fishing, and a bunch of bears that the rangers were trying to keep out of the camp
Then I woke up at 10:40 AM because today is Saturday, and I have a four day weekend. I am in Carmel.
Am I always that stupid in dreams? Why is everything so confusing?