Saturday, September 26, 2009


September 26, 2009

I had a dream I was hiking and random camp people were there. We were going down a river roger to elkhorn slough when suddenly we cane across this cool tide pool part which had lion fish in it. Then we were hanging on chords above the ground and I had dropped an I'd card so I had someone on the ground pick it up because "it was an okay thing to drop it because it was her id. Uhh" but everyone thought I said "idea" and were confused. Then we ziplined down the mountain and nick was holding on to my hammock that I was in, and I told him to cut it out.
Then I was standing with my parents and brothers and were camping. We hiked down a mountain, but the path was steep so I lost my footing and fell. When I got back up my brother were ahead, but my parents had waited for me. My dad saw a "leaking loon" and went to take a shot at it, because apparently were moldy and caused disease. It was actually a deer with scratches on his face. Then, we were rescuing the deer and my Ice Skating Instructor (who had turned up somehow). I kept falling into the brush alongside the path, and generally causing mayhem. We walked to camp and there were these people fishing, and a bunch of bears that the rangers were trying to keep out of the camp
Then I woke up at 10:40 AM because today is Saturday, and I have a four day weekend. I am in Carmel.

Am I always that stupid in dreams? Why is everything so confusing?